
How to fix the economy x-post from Nexon Forums

[Just in case the mods over at the community forum decides to remove this]

Here it is Nexon, your master plan of fixing the hyper inflated, destroyed economy done for you.

(disclaimer: i deliberately didn't mention the duper's full ign even though everyone knows who it is so it would lessen the likelihood of you [the mod reading this] removing this thread. Please, for the love of god, don't delete this. You need to see this the most yourself, Nexon. This is a forum, and its purpose is to incite discussion which i feel this post will accomplish, and not for the mods to crack down on it.)

Step 1. Tell your GMs to constantly patrol the FM for dupers and botters(for example, in Bera someone (*cough lets call his name Cody cough*) redistributed exploited items for months on end with no ban and profited thousands of $$ equivalent by selling his duped items and buying NX codes at ridiculous rates (thereby hyperinflating mesos and making them more and more worthless) with the mesos he gained from selling said duped items) and ban them. Its painfully obvious who are botters by their stores filled with thousands of Elite Drops and their igns are usually a series of random letters and numbers. At this point I've come to practically RECOGNIZE their igns every time i browse the fm since pretty much no disciplinary action is taken against them DESPITE it being so easy to identify them. This goes for the dupers as well.

Step 2. REMOVE the elite boss system. Just admit this one as a failure Nexon, it takes hours and hours of grinding on a low level character in order to spawn an Elite Boss for a CHANCE to get something that the economy needs in order to run smoothly (slates, cubes, cogs, prots, epic pots, etc), and the only persons that are able to benefit from this system in any meaningful way are the botters and those who elite hunt in locations where there ARE botters. It's extremely unreasonable to make THE LEGIT playerbase grind for hours on end on specific-level accounts just for the mere chance of getting maybe obtaining a few items. This ties back into my earlier point - by keeping the elite boss system IN ADDITION to the lack of disciplinary action directed towards the botters are only going to encourage the usage of illegal programs LIKE elite botting programs and other hacktivities (I mean, if no one is going to ban you, why not take a grab at free money?)

Step 3. Move Elite Boss drops to Party Quest Rewards that cannot be botted and REQUIRES HUMAN GAMEPLAY in order to be completed. Whether ensuring this through skill testing questions or a verification system, that is up to the developers to decide. In addition, put a relatively high minimum level requirement on such Party Quests that do give these rewards, as well as limiting participation of each individual PQ to a low number. [b]This will produce the resources that the economy thrives on, allow unfunded players to make money, encourage interaction between players, and introduce a diverse world of Party Quests for players to discover by providing a monetary incentive for them to do so.[/b] Literally, EVERYBODY WINS and those illegitimately profiting off of this game will have difficulty continuing to do so. Again, I'll leave the specific details up to the developers to decide, but yes, it really is as simple as I just outlined for you.

TL;DR Read the whole thing, consider it. Some major changes are going to have to take place in order for this game to survive, and this is just one of the thousands of suggestions and remedies.

November 30, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


[quote=femalejesus]wow, i haven't read a good intelligent post on this forum in years.

a big part of the problem is that this game doesn't appeal to the younger generation anymore. if you haven't noticed, when was the last time you read a maplestory thread that had someone introduced themselves for the first time? or a thread asking a ridiculously nooby question? a lot of the forum threads today have such esoteric titles that a real beginner will have no clue what the thread is about. everyone in game is much older as well. back in '05, it was very common for me to find someone who was 12 or 11 playing maplestory. back then, i was 14 years old. today end of 2014, a rough decade-so later, it is rare to find anyone under 18 committed to playing maplestory. the only people i see playing maple are those who are training link mules, botters, dupers, 18+ year olds who have access to NX, OG players.

[b]for every game, there is always a rate of how many players are expected to leave the game after a certain time. for every game, there is an expected rate of new players coming in. The leaving rate of maplestory is NORMAL. However, the recruitment rate of new players is abysmally low. THERE ARE NO NEW PLAYERS, ONLY RECYCLED OLD PLAYERS[/b]

that is the root of maplestory's current state of declining. it's not doing enough to attract new generation players. kids these days (see how old i freakin sound and how old basil commenters are?) use their phones for gaming, not their computer. kids these days can't commit to a game that costs more than an iphone. sry nexon, you can't compete with how cheap, free, and available other sources of gaming are in this modern day and age.

The gaming structure of maplestory has to drastically change in order for nexon to get a fresh supply of players willing to stay committed to this game. nexon has to listen to what the younger generation wants, not what we oldies find to be the status quo. we older generation have to get over ourselves and open maplestory up for everyone to enjoy. i think we are ultimately responsible because we give in to nexons policies without much question. we don't care because this game is not really a game in terms of merit, but rather in terms of wealth.[/quote]

exactly... but I'm under 18 and my friend's brother is 12, but these ppl including me are a rare portion of the community
Maplestory 2 will hopefully bring in the revenue to continue maple 1 but I doubt they will make this game any bbetter, and will only add filler updates after a while
Unless of course people play mapelstory 2 and try maple 1
Most ppl think that maple 1 is a grindfest and that is ver unnappealing and I agree, and there's nothing you could change about that without changing the whole game sadly

Reply November 30, 2014

Agreed OP. But I don't think elites are a bad idea conceptually, just that its execution was terribad and ended up continuing the the hackers/botters reign over the economy. To fix the elite system, I think it should be party based and require a specific set of party-oriented goals to spawn an elite-boss. It would capture the feel of gathering a few buddies to go on a hunt together and can potentially replace grinding as a way to lv up(though this is Nexon, grinding is all they know).

The bonus stages can be removed and instead implement an anti-bot friendly reward system. Though I do not have off-hand knowledge on how to accomplish that but I'm sure an experienced internet securities expert, who is undoubtedly a part of Nexon's team, can sort that problem out.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

You have spoken my thoughts. I agree with Elite Bosses just being a mistake impementation that sinks the economy. It is just crazy how we can all recognize the botters in FM that exploit this failed attempt to give the players items they need through boss summoning instead of working to implement in game content to get this items. Probably a lot more work than Nexon is willing to do specially with MS2 around the corner. Also, like stated before, there is nothing really appealing to new younger audiences to stick around and that is a problem.

Overall, I think if Nexon wanted to fix this, they would have, period. They can obviously see what the vast majority of the community is seeing, like OT just exposed, they just choose not to (insert corporative inside reasoning for this).

I just plan on yoloing the game while it's still out and then call it gg.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

[quote=femalejesus]wow, i haven't read a good intelligent post on this forum in years.

a big part of the problem is that this game doesn't appeal to the younger generation anymore. if you haven't noticed, when was the last time you read a maplestory thread that had someone introduced themselves for the first time? or a thread asking a ridiculously nooby question? a lot of the forum threads today have such esoteric titles that a real beginner will have no clue what the thread is about. everyone in game is much older as well. back in '05, it was very common for me to find someone who was 12 or 11 playing maplestory. back then, i was 14 years old. today end of 2014, a rough decade-so later, it is rare to find anyone under 18 committed to playing maplestory. the only people i see playing maple are those who are training link mules, botters, dupers, 18+ year olds who have access to NX, OG players.

[b]for every game, there is always a rate of how many players are expected to leave the game after a certain time. for every game, there is an expected rate of new players coming in. The leaving rate of maplestory is NORMAL. However, the recruitment rate of new players is abysmally low. THERE ARE NO NEW PLAYERS, ONLY RECYCLED OLD PLAYERS[/b]

that is the root of maplestory's current state of declining. it's not doing enough to attract new generation players. kids these days (see how old i freakin sound and how old basil commenters are?) use their phones for gaming, not their computer. kids these days can't commit to a game that costs more than an iphone. sry nexon, you can't compete with how cheap, free, and available other sources of gaming are in this modern day and age.

The gaming structure of maplestory has to drastically change in order for nexon to get a fresh supply of players willing to stay committed to this game. nexon has to listen to what the younger generation wants, not what we oldies find to be the status quo. we older generation have to get over ourselves and open maplestory up for everyone to enjoy. i think we are ultimately responsible because we give in to nexons policies without much question. we don't care because this game is not really a game in terms of merit, but rather in terms of wealth.[/quote]

I completely agree with this. A friend of mine just started to play Maplestory, and all I could suggest to him was [b]grind[/b]. I feel like new people can be very discouraged by grinding, it's just hitting a button to kill mobs over and over. PQs and quests have become very irrelevant compared to just straight up grinding. Nexon made it that Maplestory is such a time consuming commitment, and no one really likes commitments. To grind for hours for levels (I know the exp rate is way better than before, but why can't they make it so questing and PQs become more relevant in training?), and you can't argue that PQs are still relevant, because R&J is just used for grinding too. o.o

Even when players hit level 120, most can't do much unless they buy a shop permit to start making mesos (here's where we need Auction House). I've read someone's comment before, and I realized that it is very ignorant to say Auction House will make Nexon lose money. The thing is, Auction House only has limited slots to put your things in (IIRC 5 slots), you'd still need a permit or mushy house to sell large quantities of items.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

I agree in that nexon needs to make party quests worth while for ALL levels not just in terms of exp but rewards. Cubes/Slates/Epic Pot that kind of stuff should be things people can get by party questing for a bit.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

Obvious dupers on Broa:

GLnyuforce (he has an account full of no booms/ % all and boss nebs) and probably over several hundred thousand DOLLARS worth of duped scrolls and nebs.

Plugins (same deal as the other one)

There are quite a few more but these are probably the two most infamous ones.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

[quote=djmaxaaron]There have been many suggestions but the bottom line is nexon doesn't care enough to fix or try to implement them. At least that's what it seems like so expect nothing to be done.[/quote]
Would you? All the youth of this game love to tell nexon how bad of a job they are doing. They dont care if the economy tanks because that is a problem that is impossible to fix.
Unlike any country, maplestory mobs make it so u constantly keep putting money into the economy. With more mesos the higher prices will be and the lower the worth mesos will have.

Nexon would rather make sure they are doing all they can to keep obtaining new players. An unfixable problem will not take priority over this. Be happy this game is still around. If they fixed what the veterans of the game have asked, their game would have already been shutdown for lack of players.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

[quote=johnadrianli][Just in case the mods over at the community forum decides to remove this]

Here it is Nexon, your master plan of fixing the hyper inflated, destroyed economy done for you.

(disclaimer: i deliberately didn't mention the duper's full ign even though everyone knows who it is so it would lessen the likelihood of you [the mod reading this] removing this thread. Please, for the love of god, don't delete this. You need to see this the most yourself, Nexon. This is a forum, and its purpose is to incite discussion which i feel this post will accomplish, and not for the mods to crack down on it.)

Step 1. Tell your GMs to constantly patrol the FM for dupers and botters(for example, in Bera someone (*cough lets call his name Cody cough*) duped for months on end with no ban and profited thousands of $$ equivalent by selling his duped items and buying NX codes at ridiculous rates (thereby hyperinflating mesos and making them more and more worthless) with the mesos he gained from selling said duped items) and ban them. Its painfully obvious who are botters by their stores filled with thousands of Elite Drops and their igns are usually a series of random letters and numbers. At this point I've come to practically RECOGNIZE their igns every time i browse the fm since pretty much no disciplinary action is taken against them DESPITE it being so easy to identify them. This goes for the dupers as well.

Step 2. REMOVE the elite boss system. Just admit this one as a failure Nexon, it takes hours and hours of grinding on a low level character in order to spawn an Elite Boss for a CHANCE to get something that the economy needs in order to run smoothly (slates, cubes, cogs, prots, epic pots, etc), and the only persons that are able to benefit from this system in any meaningful way are the botters and those who elite hunt in locations where there ARE botters. It's extremely unreasonable to make THE LEGIT playerbase grind for hours on end on specific-level accounts just for the mere chance of getting maybe obtaining a few items. This ties back into my earlier point - by keeping the elite boss system IN ADDITION to the lack of disciplinary action directed towards the botters are only going to encourage the usage of illegal programs LIKE elite botting programs and other hacktivities (I mean, if no one is going to ban you, why not take a grab at free money?)

Step 3. Move Elite Boss drops to Party Quest Rewards that cannot be botted and REQUIRES HUMAN GAMEPLAY in order to be completed. Whether ensuring this through skill testing questions or a verification system, that is up to the developers to decide. In addition, put a relatively high minimum level requirement on such Party Quests that do give these rewards, as well as limiting participation of each individual PQ to a low number. [b]This will produce the resources that the economy thrives on, allow unfunded players to make money, encourage interaction between players, and introduce a diverse world of Party Quests for players to discover by providing a monetary incentive for them to do so.[/b] Literally, EVERYBODY WINS and those illegitimately profiting off of this game will have difficulty continuing to do so. Again, I'll leave the specific details up to the developers to decide, but yes, it really is as simple as I just outlined for you.

TL;DR Read the whole thing, consider it. Some major changes are going to have to take place in order for this game to survive, and this is just one of the thousands of suggestions and remedies.[/quote]

wow, i haven't read a good intelligent post on this forum in years.

a big part of the problem is that this game doesn't appeal to the younger generation anymore. if you haven't noticed, when was the last time you read a maplestory thread that had someone introduced themselves for the first time? or a thread asking a ridiculously nooby question? a lot of the forum threads today have such esoteric titles that a real beginner will have no clue what the thread is about. everyone in game is much older as well. back in '05, it was very common for me to find someone who was 12 or 11 playing maplestory. back then, i was 14 years old. today end of 2014, a rough decade-so later, it is rare to find anyone under 18 committed to playing maplestory. the only people i see playing maple are those who are training link mules, botters, dupers, 18+ year olds who have access to NX, OG players.

[b]for every game, there is always a rate of how many players are expected to leave the game after a certain time. for every game, there is an expected rate of new players coming in. The leaving rate of maplestory is NORMAL. However, the recruitment rate of new players is abysmally low. THERE ARE NO NEW PLAYERS, ONLY RECYCLED OLD PLAYERS[/b]

that is the root of maplestory's current state of declining. it's not doing enough to attract new generation players. kids these days (see how old i freakin sound and how old basil commenters are?) use their phones for gaming, not their computer. kids these days can't commit to a game that costs more than an iphone. sry nexon, you can't compete with how cheap, free, and available other sources of gaming are in this modern day and age.

The gaming structure of maplestory has to drastically change in order for nexon to get a fresh supply of players willing to stay committed to this game. nexon has to listen to what the younger generation wants, not what we oldies find to be the status quo. we older generation have to get over ourselves and open maplestory up for everyone to enjoy. i think we are ultimately responsible because we give in to nexons policies without much question. we don't care because this game is not really a game in terms of merit, but rather in terms of wealth.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

havent seen the cody shop in a few days o-o

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

I'm pretty sure I posted the same ideas a few weeks ago. o.o
Well, the last two. But whatever, I always supported these sorts of ideas. It's better to post it on official Nexon forums instead.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

Nexon pretty much is giving up on MS and working further on MS2 I mean its pretty damn obvious.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

[quote=ImHereToHelp]This is what a lot of people are trying to say, but I don't get how fixing the economy will save the game.[/quote]

It'll make the game more enjoyable and easier to progress through, thereby increasing the likelihood of those returning to the game to stay rather than leaving within a one-week time frame.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

This is what a lot of people are trying to say, but I don't get how fixing the economy will save the game.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

Who is the duper? o.o
I'm curious, IGN's were always nice to know.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

I, the President of the Merrimack Valley of 79th Chapter of Anime Club, approve of this.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited

There have been many suggestions but the bottom line is nexon doesn't care enough to fix or try to implement them. At least that's what it seems like so expect nothing to be done.

Reply November 30, 2014 - edited