

Gonna go out on a limb

and say anyone who is really upset with this patch isn't really playing the right class.

It isn't necessarily their fault, because for a while Nexon changed the fundamental relationship of our class to others, so any one who started playing their bishop in the last year and a half or so was misled.

Our damage is supposed to suck, and our support, contrary to a lot of people's inability to read, has been significantly buffed. And if my math is right, our DPS isn't even worse in a full party compared to before, everyone else just gets rightfully buffed more.

While there are some things that are arguably not necessary or could be better, the patch as a whole is great. Most issues will hopefully be worked out by the end of testing anyway.

if you are gonna Q.Q, then qq

June 2, 2013

19 Comments • Newest first


okay I have three questions:
1.) Doesn't Bahamut still have its status resist? (I was under the impression that UNLESS something was changed about a skill, it just goes unmentioned) The only mention changed for Bahamut was that his effect was renewed

2.) Does angel ray kill a party member inflicted with zombify?

3.) Does blessing Ensemble (and consequently its 4th job enhancement) have any limits to how many times it can stack; because if it doesn't you can have a party of 5 other people and just your party buffs alone would give you +100% damage

Reply June 4, 2013

I agree, I think the most important change that needs to be made is the ability to use BB with VoA. It doesn't need to give BB an extra hit, all I'm looking for is the magic attack and the ability to switch between AR and BB without me having to master max sensitivity on my mouse.

And we aren't that squishy, as long as you can keep mg casted, bishops are still tanks.

And if a boss has zombify, make sure everyone knows to stay behind you, or go on the other side than the rest of your party at max range and make sure they don't get knocked into the boss.

As for the multi hit attacks and HMS, it does all the hits then makes you invincible. So if Nexon could make it so multi hit attacks only took 1 count from the shield, that'd be great too.

Reply June 4, 2013

I have a few issues with this un-finalized data. One main one is zombify of course, do we really need three heals?

Now for the Angel Ray/ Big Bang/ Genesis nonsense. I hated the fact that they want a semi-low hp magician to go up close to the boss to deal damage/ support. I'm guessing we are now supposed to be the warriors of mages by placing the fountain out back while we go debuff the boss (or alternatively stand back and heal with angel ray). Now for the Pros/ Cons of this combo and update in general...

Pro: Holy Magic Shell Hyper= 30 sec cooldown on a stance-like effect to deal with knock while using BB. Ability to debuff the monster defense 2/3's of the fight. This is not including the 50% stance effect from Infinity.
Con: Life is horrible before you get Maxed infinity/ HMS Hyper.
Pro: You can damage and heal at the same time.
Con: The VoA hyper should probably be moved to BB otherwise it will worthless at bosses.
Con: Many boss skills are ranged based. For example if I stay at Angel Ray's max range when fighting Lyka I never am seduced. If I move too close to him (BB range) he seduces me.

I would like to point out one final thing. Holy Magic Shell can only withstand 10 total hits, but many places have monsters with multi-hits or DoTs that eat away at the shield quite quickly (aka our most reliable stance). I am wondering if the potential that extends player invincibility period after being hit would help with this.

I am not going to claim this as a buff or a nerf because I don't even think they made any changes to the hypers yet and the info is not finalized. As for the change of Angel Ray/ Big Bang/ Genesis/ Fountain... I believe that those skills actually work quite well together if you factor in HMS+Hyper. So we would use Fountain> Genesis> HMS> BB spam> Infinity (for more BB) or move back for 10 seconds and use AR till HMS is back up. If the boss has zombify...then consider yourself completely useless if both Infinity and HMS are on cooldown.

Reply June 4, 2013

@itsrichu is 100% correct.

O/T: The animations are nice, but a bishop's ability to support is worse when a bishop can't even survive lol.

Reply June 2, 2013

[quote=itsRichu]Its not even throwing us a bone. It is more like throwing us a bone after taking away our steak.[/quote]

That gave me a chuckle cause it's true.

Reply June 2, 2013

ima just say this-

if classes are seperated by support/offense

why do some classes have excellent both[battlemages, kanna, etc]

bishops are one of the weakest classes in all of maplestory, theres no reason to make us weaker, theres even less incentive to play a bishop if your forced to leech for all your exp.
about 60% of my exp from solo training, the rest from lhc/2x HoH training

Reply June 2, 2013

I'm not going to argue about the looks, first of all. I think it looks pretty cool.
However, it can't be considered a job balancing. Bishops can't compare with other classes; it was completely unnecessary to nerf it to the floor even more.

The Specialized Skill, I'm OK with.
But we received completely useless skills. Divine Protection is useless. Not to mention the removal of Bahamut passive status resistance.

Holy Fountain is useless as well. Every class can survive well on its own.
Angel Ray nerf sucks as well. Takes too long to cast, and even when it's casted, it sucks.

And the Genesis+ spam BB interferes with VoA.

Also, why nerf Advanced Blessing? How is that balancing the class?

And not just Bishops. The other classes as well.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

we arent at the bottom for dps, the math for those charts are assuming conditions that dont exist and doesnt account for how our damage changes with other buffs.

better playability. something no one really considers in maple. the feel of the class. probably isnt considered because there isnt one for bishops right now. its just use AR. no other options if you want to do reasonable damage. but people are seeing AR as our only option. I'm pumped to have a need for gene and big bang.

and Richu, i messed up with ensemble i didnt realize it was bishop only. now i can see more where you guys are coming from, but i still think its a good patch, i wasnt really considering that aspect of it in the first place. we still have plenty of support skills that are absolutely loved at high level bosses.

this patch does not make bishops unwanted, but it certainly helps to trim the fat of the class. i didnt like the idea of people choosing to be bishops so they can laze along in the game. every class should have to put a comparable amount of effort in to be included in higher level activities.

we are supposed to have the absolute worst dps, and this patch maintains ours for the most part while increasing everyone elses, putting us in our place. what i meant is that if you are not ok with having this bad dps, you werent meant to be a bishop. and our dps did have room to be cut with out a direct gain in support.

i guess i was more expectant of a general "well it was fun while it lasted" reaction to this patch. but that was foolish, no one wants to give up power, regardless of if its right or not.

and a little side note: playing your class no matter what isnt just loyalty, its stupidity. you can judge whether the one outweighs the other.

and another side note: sorry for trying to provoke so much arguing, i'm trying to squeeze any shred of opinion on the patch out of people so i can make comprehensive patch notes in the guide.

people are more talkative and honest when they are angry

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

WE were ALREADY at the bottom of the DPS charts.
Why nerf us?
And making EVERYTHING about us weaker?
Slower, weaker, harder to control, less Resistant...
The only good thing I can think of is the better attack ranges, and the Teleport.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=ImKafei]MapleStory was finished once Miracle Cubes were released. I'm surprised that people [i]still[/i] do not realize this.[/quote]

No, it was "finished" when people started making statless builds.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=jolteon7]and say anyone who is really upset with this patch isn't really playing the right class.

It isn't necessarily their fault, because for a while Nexon changed the fundamental relationship of our class to others, so any one who started playing their bishop in the last year and a half or so was misled.

Our damage is supposed to suck, and our support, contrary to a lot of people's inability to read, has been significantly buffed. And if my math is right, our DPS isn't even worse in a full party compared to before, everyone else just gets rightfully buffed more.

While there are some things that are arguably not necessary or could be better, the patch as a whole is great. Most issues will hopefully be worked out by the end of testing anyway.

if you are gonna Q.Q, then qq[/quote]

So apparently I/L having more abnormal status resist than bishops are justified? Receiving 70% mastery for their summons while our summon does absolutely nothing now.
Using your logic, being supports in the game, shouldn't we have more survivorbility compared to our team-mates in order to continue the endless support? Also with the contradicting move like dumping a bunch of support skills AND making the big bang-gene duo, it seems nexon was really confused on where exactly and how to improve us.
With revamped or newly released op bosses usually come with op hp with them. People would rather go for classes like AB than compared to the healing that we bring to the table. We are only slightly favoured in bosses that have pot cooldown/ohko moves.
Ok so to summarized :
-we're now more vunerable to status > unable to support
-lesser dmg > not worth bringing to high hp bosses w/o pot cooldown
-everything Knexon gave that patch was contradicting and messy. I know it's kmst.
Not even going to rage on vert range for AR.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=FrostLife]I think people just are greedy and want the best of both worlds. Its not a game to them anymore. Its more of a lifestyle now[/quote]

MapleStory was finished once Miracle Cubes were released. I'm surprised that people [i]still[/i] do not realize this.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

I think people just are greedy and want the best of both worlds. Its not a game to them anymore. Its more of a lifestyle now

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Healing fountain sounds annoying to use, since you have to stop attacking and there's a heal cap. They should have made it work like Evan's recovery aura (regen at certain time interval) or Mechanic's heal bot (unlimit use before it dies).

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

My biggest complain is that the new healing fountain, regardless of how cool that is, doesn't quite help much and definitely does not outweight the loss. There isn't much we can do to help our party except for a heal or dispel every now and then (unless you want to stop attacking at all to spam heal and give that 20% extra damage, but it's ridiculous that we have to do such a thing while BaMs do such a better job with ADA), or at least that has been my experience. Being more vulnerable also means you have to look after yourself more often and thus not letting you look after your party.
I don't like being more fragile in exchange of something we don't need, being also weaker is just making me mad buuuuuut, I complained a lot about this already. Even I'm fed up of myself ranting all day long goddamnit.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

I kinda enjoy the changes they are making. Nexon is trying to promote teamwork with the changes they are planning. I especially like the I/L Mage's Freezing Breath skill. It's not intended for solo purposes but to give your other party members a swing at a boss for more damage. I can understand the frustration of some I/L users with the nerfing of Chain Lightning, but I personally focus on the utility of the class before worrying on how to make that class stronger.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

the problem with the majority of damage addicted people is that they want a class that is good at everything,

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited