

Our Blatant Dominance

This patch is absurd.

25% damage for being in a party and either 40% or 8 hit angel ray for bossing.

big bang gets a massive damage boost to make it better than AR, and can be used when jumping with no charge.

we get boss killer, holy fountain, healing AR, and a bunch of other things in addition to what we currently have support wise.

I don't see how this is fair whatsoever, but I'm looking forward to it.

July 7, 2013

15 Comments • Newest first


[quote=LulzMudkipzz]It's fair because they were weak, but now they're strong. I'm going to be so amused when I see bishops KSing people.[/quote]

Once again.

Reply July 18, 2013

[quote=liquidhelium]It's not like it's anything new. If you visited skelegons pre-Big Bang you'd have seen bishops KSing others left and right by spamming genesis.[/quote]

It was never meant to be spammed, that is why it cost 4000 MP or so to used it back then. However we know some people are selfish and greedy, so they combat this by selling leech to gain the mesos to buy the mp potions.

Although after RED when it has a 45 secs CD, it is a very useful skill. Pretty much I/L and F/P mage have final attack now

Reply July 18, 2013 - edited

@CaptCookie: I'm pretty sure it is confirmed that it changed somehow, I just wish I knew by how much since there is no source confirming it is 1.2.

Reply July 17, 2013 - edited

[quote=CaptCookie]Don't forget that magic damage formula change!

It doesn't take much to fund a bishop now, but when RED hits... Hmhmhmhm... <3[/quote]

Do you have any source? Just curious since I really want to know too. o.o

Reply July 17, 2013 - edited

[quote=LulzMudkipzz]It's fair because they were weak, but now they're strong. I'm going to be so amused when I see bishops KSing people.[/quote]

It is no fair. Support class are meant to be weak because you have all these party buffs and exp buffs etc.

Now you are stronger than some normal classes which doesn't even have those buffs. You also pretty much from Priest have a perm 1.5X exp +, so how is it fair to other classes if you can dish out more damage?

Reply July 17, 2013 - edited

well dispel isnt any more OP solo, its OP for party bossing. we can't dispel things like dark tornado or seduce if we are under that status effect, we can only dispel it off of other party members.

Reply July 17, 2013 - edited

The damage boosts sort of bring us to par with the other classes damage wise maybe a bit more I haven't done any math for it. But we gotta be in a party now to reach our maximum (not a bad thing i guess). I like the healing fountain idea but it seems to be stealing off of mechanics. Also Dispell is officially overpowered, even without the damage boosts soloing anything is just gonna be easy mode

Reply July 17, 2013 - edited

[quote=LetThereBeFradd]What's the formula and what's the difference?[/quote]

I'm not sure but I think it's about the wand/staff multiplier changing from 1.0 to 1.2 so a flat 20% increase for all mages's ranges, and thus, overall damage.

Reply July 8, 2013 - edited

It's fair because they were weak, but now they're strong. I'm going to be so amused when I see bishops KSing people.

Reply July 8, 2013 - edited

[quote=lazershock]Angel ray has 8 hits in avenging angel mode, it pretty much rips apart their other skills damage wise, and as far as I know big bang can only be spammed with no charge while genesis is on cooldown. Personally I don't think bishops are too OP since they're still RELATIVELY low dpm wise.[/quote]

its a 1v1 skill in avenging angel mode, its like a heros enrage. Big Bang is much better than AR for training.

And I don't understand your point about it only being possible when genesis is on CD, just keep using Genesis .__.

And relative to what? Our current DPS has us better than over a dozen classes, and based off what I have read about the updates, we move further up that list if we are in a full party.

Reply July 8, 2013 - edited

@iCanRapAndSing: And dark knights have the ability to resurrect themselves as well and have a skill that gives 100% total damage, essentially doubling their damage range =P it could be MUCH worse.

Besides, I like OP dispel! It makes seduce pretty much worthless, as well as every other annoying status effect (that makes me wonder if you can dispel those shadow webs magnus puts on people)

Reply July 8, 2013 - edited

Angel ray has 8 hits in avenging angel mode, it pretty much rips apart their other skills damage wise, and as far as I know big bang can only be spammed with no charge while genesis is on cooldown. Personally I don't think bishops are too OP since they're still RELATIVELY low dpm wise.

Reply July 8, 2013 - edited

U forgot dispell's "absurd" function now.

Also, ours hen we get buffed, all other classes get buffed along with us.

Reply July 7, 2013 - edited

It's gonna be fun to laugh and shrug seduce off like dust.
Reminds of [url=][/url]

Reply July 7, 2013 - edited

It helps that the others got buffed as well.

Reply July 7, 2013 - edited