jonbadspelling #Chat Talk

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SOmething Really Odd I Found on my Teachers Computer Today Okay so we had a science project about cells and things of the sort. We had to watch a video about them so Mr. Beacker turned on his computer. He used one of those computer things and put up the screen on the whiteboard. And a program was opened up like some kind of chat. What the chat read was; "I love you daddy because you are more asian than Bergan." His daughters name is Bergan and she isn't asian nor is Mr. B! I thought it was funny because he tried to pretend like it was a prank. Like he tried to close the window as soon as it opened and failed.

General Chat

Making A Flash Game Request here~ Okay, so here's the deal for the flash game. I don't know what to call it yet, but it will be a huge galactic war game with 3 different fighting types. So, i need you to fill these things out if you want a planet, and a storyline for everything is optional. Please scale them from 1 to 5. STORYLINE(optional but would help): If you can draw the main character in paint, but since it's hard, you do not have to. Y/N Attack:?/5 Defense:?/5 Population and size: ?/5 starting income: 1 to 1000 money Technology: ?/5 And the race, please include why they populate the planet and what it's terrain is. Thanks in advance, you will all be included as the main character on the planet and in the credits. Please note I'm a ne

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How do I get my sister to be more confident with her art? Basically she's been drawing for a while now, she really started getting interested in it back when she was ten. Her earliest drawings are on my page. Looking back on them she thinks they were pretty bad, but my family gave her a lot of praise regardless of how she felt about them. Fast forward a few years and she's gotten remarkably better. However, she refuses to upload most of her stuff to her deviantart account because they're not perfect in her eyes. I disagree completely, but she doesn't seem to care. Anyway, I don't want her to get burned out because art is obviously a career she wants to pursue, and I'm wondering exactly how I would go about encouraging her in a meaningful wa