
best bossing damage class

so i have a 107 outlaw and his range is decent 9000 and i have godly equips when i get to 120 should i keep going on this or should i just give it up and start a new class?

October 17, 2011

9 Comments • Newest first


[quote=ernest1234]what are you suggesting? Its all about the weapon formulas and attack speed sis[/quote]

I mean, I'm still attacking 83.3 times per minute, without SI. And then there's stackable and invisible DoT damages.
I don't know how I'd fare against you on 1 enemy, but if there's ever more than 1 enemy, I'm a lot more useful than a NL with the same funding.

And plus, F/Ps still have a higher DPM than NLs right now. Don't believe me? Go check DPM charts. "But DPM charts are on-paper only!" Well, it still remains a fact.

Reply October 17, 2011

[quote=tCwayne]Hero + ST 60x+ atk (30% boss) + Enrage = Best bossin EVER.[/quote]

This baha

Reply October 17, 2011

@ernest1234: Still, Paralyze is pretty strange formula too, 272% (I think, i need to check), but when I had a 12k range, I was dealing 50k to 60k per hit with Paralyze, no crit, no arcain aim. 50k to 60k is closer to 350~500% damage.

Reply October 17, 2011

[quote=dtingles]i like how all the saders/heroes r saying that theyre the best bossers -_-x realistically NLs/Sairs are probably at the top of the dps/dpm charts, along with dual blades. and no im not being biased, its just true. idk about post acension, but post chaos i remember those 3 classes were up there. but all in all, it depends all on funding [/quote]

Post Chaos man, gatta look into the future
After Jump and Legend us corsairs kind of get pwned pretty badly

How does that have to do with anything?
I still believe we need the buff we are getting.
Heck, then current state of what corsairs has nothing to really do with the question he asked which is the best DPM job which obviously isn't us.

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=ernest1234]if there was no damage cap you would be correct

@markssnicks haters gon' hate but i'm not trolling. The formula makes an insane difference.[/quote]

What about the formula for f/p mages? When I had 12k range, I was dealing 110k per hit with Mist Eruption, no crit, no Arcain Aim.

And Mist Eruption is only 500% per hit.

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=ernest1234]stonetooth with 170+ attack and godly potential is stronger than any 1h+shield chaunhutcuon[/quote]

I seriously hope you are trying to troll lol

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited

If you enjoy your outlaw, why not continue?
If just want the #1 DPM dealer, then you're late to the party because it moved to somewhere else now.
Until revamps coming are done, can't really say who is the strongest. Until then though, us corsairs are somewhere around 8-10th spot at best.

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=chaunhutcuon]Lets talk about legitly made items only guys. Lol[/quote]

301 atk possible
HIGHLY unlikely but still possible

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited

Keep going!

Reply October 17, 2011 - edited