

Finalized Evan Changes

[url=]Max's Blog[/url]
Looks like we got some buffs/denerfs
For starters, they boosted Magic Amplification's damage back up to 30%
Second, Dragon Master is GODLY now.
Before, it was 200% x 4 hits x 8 targets every 0.5 seconds
Now, it's 450% x 7 hits x 10 targets every 0.3 seconds

November 14, 2015

21 Comments • Newest first


@imtewo Did you mean by the skill called Understanding which gives Evan 20% damage when using together with any Mir's skill. I'm not sure if it adds 20% damage to all Evans skill or 20% damage to our range. I hope it will add to our range though cause we need more skill that buff range since we lose a bit in Magic Amplification and Elemental Reset.

Reply December 28, 2015

@crazytiger17: It's our 150 hyper now.
They got rid of Frenzied Soul
@samygxz85 because Summon Onyx Dragon is a good enough as a Buff hyper.
Besides, how would they make room for it?

Reply November 22, 2015 - edited

ok so we lose gliding and blink plus illusion, flame wheel, blaze and earthquake but we keep dark fog. we also have no ice element attack anymore.
gimme back gliding and blink, a decent ice attack for variation and illusion and i'll be happy but especially the first two.

EDIT: i just noticed something, arans hyper will now be a 4th job skill, why cant they do that with summon dragon? make it a 4th job skill and give us another hyper or bring back the one we had, whatever, dragon master is good enough as an attacking hyper.

Reply November 19, 2015 - edited

Do we not have a summon anymore?
Was hoping for a far better summon

Reply November 19, 2015 - edited

Won't know until we try it ourselves. That video though, such inspiration. I must prepare myself.

Reply November 18, 2015 - edited

@jayson1019: i didn't actually see that the damage split went through. i thought it would be in the description of the skill.

things keep going down hill. z

Reply November 16, 2015 - edited

I give up. How did the damage distribution of Breath of Earth make it into the actual release?
It is not good enough for it to be used as a single target bossing skill.
It is effectively a 4th job mobbing attack that hits 6 mobs for 237.5% each with a hyper skill and has a cooldown.
Compared to what we have now, blaze which hits 8 mobs for 2500% each. And it stuns, ignores 55% defense and has a +20% damage hyper.
Heck, our circle of fire from 2nd growth hits 6 mobs for 350% each without any cooldown.
Sure circle of fire is a bit slower and you can't do anything else while using it but still, its a skill you get at level 20. And the range of it means nothing if you deal barely any damage with it. I don't know, I suppose it works out in the end for 2m~2m Evans.

I just don't understand why.

Reply November 16, 2015 - edited

[url=]So I've given up on actually trying to figure out this dumb skill.[/url]
Point is, Mana goes off about 3.6 times a second at speed cap. Add in 100% sparking and that's 18 lines a second, which is already faster than post-reboot Illusion + Spark. It's fast.
Kind of satisfied with how the revamp ended up. Still don't know why they think Magic Debris was a good idea though.

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

Kinda confusing with the fusion and mir skills @_@

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

@justsofly: Look at Magic Amplification. Went from 2% to 30%, it's not half bad now.
Swift of wind was 460%
Swift of Wind is still 215% per line after factoring in the passive boosts.
on a single target, that's 215% x 6/9, which means 1290%/1935%
Seems a little strong to me.
Especially for something you can use at the same time as another skill 2/3 as strong as illusion on its own.
And that gets cast repeatedly over 3 seconds.
Even if dive of thunder was 445% x 4, it's still 335% x4
(idk what happened, but max said that Dive of Thunder created 10 orbs, then, in the next tespia, said it was reduced from 5 to 4...
I'll just assume that means the delay was cut in half as well...)
Yeah, 2 skills get nerfed. So? They're attack skills, and not even our main attack skills, really...
Attack skills only really matter if we use them, right?
Now, if they were buffs or passives that got nerfed, or endgame attacks, then we ought to worry.

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

I'm seeing more nerfs than buffs in the live server update. Aside from the obvious buff to the hyper, I saw nerfs to Swift of Wind and Dive of Thunder. Dive of thunder took a HUGE nerf. I can go over each skill again and list all the nerfs from the original revamp and after the changes to the live server update if anyone wants.

EDIT: I just saw the CVellum video and it doesn't seem that dive of thunder took is as described in Max's notes, which leads me to believe he must've made a mistake when translating or something. I'll probably wait for more confirmation or his notes corrections.

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

@xvi3tx: So what your saying is, you're going to make your own Dragon do a "Super Giant Laser" to avoid dying to another Dragon's "Super Giant Laser"?
1. At least we can still glide while mounted. Given the way it "animates", it was weird to be able to do it off of your mount and even wierder back when it was initially only capable of being done that way.
2. If we could glide while NOT mounted, our flash jump would make that OP, like the Demon's Glide
3. why'd they make Support Jump's command /\ + jump in midair, instead of just jump? Without keeping Dragon Soar for jump in midair, it seems kinda redundant to force us to press an arrow key.
4. We STILL CAN'T MIDAIR teleport. get out Support Jump, you're just a waste of a dang key and dang SP that we could be using for blink if we just had the ability to teleport in midair instead. Creative, but wasteful, ESPECIALLY if we can't glide no more.

@bribes OMG Guys a LOTUS vid? Could we even get Lotus to stage 2 before the revamp?
I'm assuming we're one of the best classes for stage 1 of Lotus now, right? We can clean up the mobs that can stun us to death AND fight the boss simultaneously, since we use the same 6+ target skills for bossing as we do for mobbing

Edit: on one hand, the cooldown of Dragon Master was reduced from 300 to 180 seconds
on the other hand, it's duration was reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
15/300=5% uptime
10/180= 1/18 uptime or 5.55% repeating, so around 5.6% uptime, assuming I did the math right.
So, spammability is up 11%

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

Lotus stage 2 video from the same guy above:

Breath of Wind sees more usage here.

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

@bribes: Woahhhhhhhh, that was amazing control and hmm he's not using Breath of Wind at all. Probably because Swift of Thunder hits more lines and Cvellum hides alot.
Dang I can just use Dragon Master when Vellum does the super giant laser to avoid dying

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

Dragon Master is actually even better. Instead of a % HP attack reduction, you're completely invincible while mounted.

Here's a CVellum video from the live server:

It looks much better than previous bossing videos. The guy has much better control and it looks like the fusion skill system was streamlined to make it less clunky.

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

I liked the Dragon soaring skill, but I really only used it for fun, I could just replace it with Dragon Master.
At least they buffed teleport too.

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

I just noticed Swift of Thunder is pretty decent.
Once all skills are maxed, it will hit 565% x 7 (extra line from hyper)
Switching from Breath of Wind and Swift of Thunder is prob the best method.

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

Couldn't care less about blink? I care MOST about blink.
Anyway, Swift of Thunder went from 230x4 to 285x4 to 135x6. Damage boosts went from 90/135 to 160/770(typo...?) to 80/350. I think this'll be the skill we use while we wait for breath CD?
Breath of Wind went from 980 in 7 lines to 1140 in 3 lines to 1080 in 4 lines.
Dragon Master also got its cd lowered from 300 to 180.

Still not sure if we lose damage. Overall, kinda meh about the revamp. Could have been worse, but could have been better. Oh well.

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

@hishotodo: T_T

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

@xvi3tx: what? they seriously got rid of dragon flight?

i couldn't care less about dragon blink tbh, but soar? that skill was actually super important...
but the koreans complained enough for dark fog back i bet. i'm seriously mad, i was actually super excite after reading those notes too.
p.s could you link me to where he confirmed it?

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited

I'm still bummed that they took away Dragon Soar (it's confirmed now by Spadow) and Dragon Blink.
Oh, they made Circle of Wind hits higher by one
Well I guess this revamp is ok even though I still have some kind of feeling against it

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited