

Hyrule Warriors Dlc Majoras Mask Pack

So there is a LOT of debate concerning Fierce Deity Link as one of the playable characters in Majora's Mask. There are those of you who argue that he's fit only for an alternate outfit, and that Tingle and Skull Kid are already shoo-ins, leaving no room for Fierce Deity, and while I disagree with the former assertion, I can't argue against the latter, logic-based argument. The other side, is that Fierce Deity Link is unfit for an OUTFIT, which I agree with.
However, most of you are missing a SIMPLE solution that will make EVERYONE happy: There is a new weapon in that pack, and link has 6 weapon sets: Magic Rod, a Fire Elemental Build, Guantlets, a Lightning Build, Great Fairy, a Water Build, Hylian Sword/Master Sword/Epona, Light Builds. (For my purposes, imma consider Epona to be a VARIATION of Hylian Sword (he wields the hylian sword while riding on Epona, right? + he doesn't slash or sword beam, etc, with anything but those two etc), and MS is obviously a reskin/upgrade), but what are we MISSING? A DARK one! We are ONE element away from an Omni-elemental Link! And I cannot think of a better Dark element weapon than Fierce Deity! Those familiar with him have noticed that, like much of Termina's things, it seems to be a darker aspect of Link!

Majora, evil incarnate it may be itself, even implies that the spirit inside Fierce Deity may be even more demonic than itself!

(Majora: Hey! You don't have any masks! Playing with won't be fun if you don't! Here take this!
[System]: Link obtained the Fierce Deity Mask!
Majora: Let's play hero and villain! [i]You'll[/I] be the [i]Villain[/I], and [b]I'll[/b] be the [b]Hero[/b]!)

His badge set would have to be the Gilded Sword from LoZ: MM or his Helix sword, but... Anyway...
Weapons would be...
Weapon type: Mask/Terminian Sword/Two-Handed Sword (Dark Element)
L1: Fierce Deity's Mask or Helix Blade
L2: Fierce Deity's Incarnate or Reverse Helix Blade (idr what majora's 2nd phase wuz called, but trying to make a parallel a la Fi/Ghiharam)
L3: Fierce Deity's Wrath or Twin Helix Blade

(basically, the L1 helix blade would have one spiral, the L2 would have the OTHER spiral [hence "Reverse" Helix Blade], and the L3 would naturally have BOTH spirals [because it IS his signature sword])

TLDR: Tingle and Skull Kid can HAVE their spaces on the roster of CHARACTERS, Fierce Deity can be the pack's new WEAPON, giving link access to Dark, and rounding off his elements. FD won't take one of the two slots likely devoted to tingle and skull kid, but he won't be reduced to a character skin, and it's just as good as a new character!
Noone has any right to complain (although the best compromise is the one that leaves no one satisfied, as people feel cheated if their end of the stick isn't larger, because they felt entitled to the whole stick in the first place, so if anyone walks out satisfied, then someone else didn't, you can't please everyone, but you CAN please NOONE. There are those who believe Fierce Deity is too EPIC to be reduced to a WEAPON, im inclined to agree, but, more psuedocharacters means more space for REAL ones, there are those who believe it's undeserving to even BE a weapon, and I'll say it one time: SHUT IT!. There are those who will say "save the weapon slots for something better/something unique/someone else". Again SHUT IT! There are those who complain that Tingle is too hated to make the cut! Imagine me saying this in a French accent: "Stupid American Gamers! Here in Frahnce, the rest of Europe, and ESPECIALLY in japan, Tingle is tolerated and even LOVED [in Japan, at least] The world loves tingle, more importantly, Japan loves tingle, and Hyrule Warriors wasn't designed for the US audience in mind, the Musou series is USUALLY unpopular stateside. The Zelda theme helped out! It might've even introduced a LARGE number of fans to musou who followed the crowd and normally avoided it just 'cause. The thing is though, that they won't accomadate the American audience til NEXT Musou, because the large number of American sales was most likely unanticipated by koei.)

(better, even, no need to grind him, and afaik, the only characters significantly larger than normal thus far are the Great Fairy/Epona, so my running theory is that it needs to be an xformation to exceed a certain size.)

October 24, 2014

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Reply October 24, 2014