

juarmo #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Zero The Child of the Goddess The Child of the Goddess, a transcendent, a being with the power to control time, control fate. The Evil Wizard sees him as a threat. With the help of his servant, Will, King of Spiders, he splits the all powerful being in two. Divide him, divide his power, that was his plan. Sent them to a world where their power was null and void. Brainwashed one half, sealed the other away. Sealed in this world for nine lifetimes, Nine became his name. Having come to his senses, he decided to start over. Start from Zero. Play Zero, the Revolutionary new class! Two characters in one! Use Alpha, swift and relentless as the Wind! Play as Beta, strong and resilient as the Earth! Use the Spirit Weapons, Lapis and Lazuli, who grow

General Warrior

Question concerning Lapis Lazuli and Hammers does anyone know if shield scrolls work with Golden Hammers on Lapis Lazuli? You know, since they're used the same wzy as scrolls, which changes a NUMBER of mechanics, (and fixes a number of glitches, such as the one concerning the limit of only being able to use golden hammers when you have all of your hammer slots unused, as well), so it COULD work even if it doesn't on a normal item. Edit: TLDR: Basically, does anyone know if shield scrolls work with Golden Hammers on Lapis Lazuli?