

katakos #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Decent to end game claw attack? So i'm thinking about making another claw for myself soon. my current lampion is: 72 attack 3 lines rare with +18 attack on it making it 90 attack. I'm proooobably going to wait to chaos to scroll another lampion, but because i'm in el nido it's very hard to compare to other night lords ( i'm the like 3rd highest level one right now? ) I don't need anything godly, just something to aid me a bit more because i'm aiming for a 20k range and I know that your claw helps the most. Please note that i'm on el nido and we do not have a ton of stuff here, i'm just looking for sort of guide line for a claw. I was thinking anything 75+ would be good.