kayeyearekay #General Talk


b Real phantom glitches 4th job and zakum glitch /b [b][i] SOLVED JOB ADVANCE PROBLEM [/i][/b] there is a glitch where 4th job completion is impossible. you go to the map, kill the statue guard, and you do NOT GET CREDIT for the kill. that means you dont get quest complete for the first part and you cannot enter the second map to job advance. forfeitting the quest is impossible, and redoing the quest gives the same result. rekilling it over thirty times; using each killing skill, basic attack, unbuffed, different buffs, with/without pets. there is no solution to this [b]EDIT: This was successfully addressed by a GM overnight: Reset Quest[/b] [b]EDIT: Fixed solution! You CANNOT be in an expedition when you job advance! Simply leave exped, jo