

kelvinzero #Mechanic Talk

General Mechanic

My First zakum on my Mechanic completed.(And questions) Well today i went in with buccaneer and a Bishop unfornately bishop died third body f4 but luckily i hit a 6 at the ending moments. I was firing my laser i pretty much owned zak arms in less then 10mins. I was firing my Lazzzooor hitting 6 arms at a time some times switched to siege mode 2 sometimes. i went from 50% to 98% since in the body we didnt have hs. the arms gave me like 28% i think total time on the run was like 40-50mins. i leveled and used my skill points on 1 extreme mech armor, 1 robotics, 1 factory. current build 120: Laser (1),EMA(1),MT(1) 121: EMA(2),Robotics(1),Factory (1) Now other that i didnt put the ultimate because it takes to long to summon and for it to stop i