kittykat200 #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Absolute Zero Aura Magic Guard Hi! This may be a stupid question. So I just got back on the game after a little under a year, and before I left, when I used both the aura and magic guard, my HP would take only one damage and my MP would take the brunt of the hit. I found that very convenient for me since I basically never died, but when I came back this was not the case anymore. My MP still takes most of the damage, but my HP is now taking a lot of damage as well. Can anyone tell me if aura got changed?

General Icelightningarchmage

Enhancement-worth it to use on ele? I got an enhancement scroll, which Im not sure what it is. I thought I should use it on my ele staff but my friend told me not to. Bad descision? my ele staff is the 103 one but Im not sure Ill be getting another. I kinda dont wanna blow it up but I do have another one and I guess I could buy another but if the ele staff prices are still the same its gonna be expensive ._. Sorry if I sound stupid, I'm a bit unupdated on what happened to ele's boost and this whole potential thing.