

What does the button "raid" do?

I was making a new character, and saw this on my keyboard.
What's it do? It's on T.

April 17, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Math]@Above I know.. o.o[/quote]

He's replying to the thread starter... Not you. And you are wrong anyways. LOL.

Anyways, Raid is just expeditions. It is an AMAZING function for partying and bossing in general.

How it works is, instead of creating a normal party, you create an expedition. You can get 6 parties in one expedition, and the expedition captain can drag and drop party members between parties making it extremely simple to move parties around. You don't need to leave party and have someone else reinvite in middle of an important boss run; the expedition leader can just do it himself by dragging and dropping the name of the player that needs to be moved to the party it needs to be moved in.

Additionally, leadership of the expedition can be changed just as easily as changing the leader of a party.

Oh, and with expeditions, you don't need 5 people [b]at[/b] Zakum to get into Zakum. Just create a Zakum expedition, invite 4 other level 50+ characters (Don't even need to have quests done), and then go in. It's simple. It's one of the best features in the game IMO.

Reply April 17, 2011

@Above, we dont have Ani yet.

Raid is raidchat button, just like guild/party chat.
When you go zakum with 2 parties and u talk in raidchat, both parties can read it.

It's added last patch (minor) but doesn't work yet.

Reply April 17, 2011