

konfooshus #Updates Talk

General Updates

ugh the bb patch makes me want to quit my drk so i have a lv122 drk. Its really fun, however after reading the bb patch, im not so satisfied. i hate how sacrifice will be our new bossing skill. why couldnt they just buff up crusher or darkforce by like 10 fold. Seriously theres no fun in using sacrifice. Its basically just swinging and stabbing with a a picture behind it. most ppl have told me to just play my drk for fun, but i find bossing to be the most fun thing to me. And i dont want to slow my party down using crusher if i doesnt help them as much as sacrifice does.

General Updates

so do buccs lose their i-frames after big bang im planning on making one just cause i like how they have i-frames, it looks pretty epic after using a character (drk) that only tanks hits and pots, and spams one move. barrage, d-strike, transform, demolition all look appealing. however all those will become less appealing if i cant do any i-frames with them. Since buccs are already have bad dpm, spamming a move would just be stupid after big bang. so i want some clarification of the whole i-frames crap. will it be gone? If no, is it nerfed? buffed?