

I got to thinking about poeple I know

[header]This is the slightest bit of a read, but there's an abbreviated version at the bottom.[/header]

Now, it's a rare time for me to give advice. It's even rarer that I go on basil. This is the first and probably only time this year I'll be doing both at once. Over the course of my school career, I've gotten to the point where many people have started really opening up to me. I'm actually not a very nice person most of the time, but it seems it's been working out that way on an oddly frequent basis. So, here goes.

You know how all those shows and PSAs and whatever you see always show that people put on a big show and they're secretly EXTREMELY insecure? Yeah, that happens a lot. A [i]lot.[/i] As in, "I should just assume it's going to happen because it's so common" type of a lot. Most basilers have been at this state of mind at least at SOME point, but I'll still spell out what it means. I means that all the little things you do - the way you talk to/about them, extremely small gestures, just whether you smile or laugh at certain things - has an enormous effect on people.

All of those small things that make you either "sweet" or "kind of annoying" stick with people almost if not literally forever. Most people probably care more about if you said they have good taste in shoes than if you buzz your head and start talking in tongues. Why? Not sure. What does it mean? Well, nothing in particular, really. I just felt it's something that nobody I knew was aware of, and by extension I assumed most of basil would be equally teachable on the matter. It's all the little things that really add up in the end, the big stuff ends up usually being just as easily forgotten anyways.

[header2]I have places to be and things to do. Just summarize this crap.[/header2]
All the small things you probably think are insignificant matter more than they ever logically should. Going out of your way to show people the smallest imaginable acts of kindness will help you more than you'd ever care to believe.

September 8, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Segumisama]Ah, so cynical.[/quote]

Life does that to a man.

Reply September 8, 2012

[quote=ZombieOverlord]Going out of your way to help people is the quickest route to hurting you.[/quote]

Ah, so cynical.

Reply September 8, 2012 - edited

Going out of your way to help people is the quickest route to hurting you.

Reply September 8, 2012 - edited

wait, what?

Reply September 8, 2012 - edited