Looking for people who would want to practice specific roles

Hello! Lately I've been thinking about this for a while but I'm looking for people who would want to practice specific roles continuously. This wouldn't necessarily be a team but could lead to it in the future. It would be more so of a a setting where all of us can practice the same role and gain skill in the areas' we want to, instead of having to rely on luck to get the intended role. I'm by all means not an amazing player and don't expect to have the best players (this is all to gain skill and get better at the game and give advice to each other and accept criticism). So yuh, if this interests you please leave a comment of what role you would like to improve!

I personally ADC or Top so I can fill either depending on who shows up.

Another note would be that I'd like this to turn into a daily time or something. Like I'll be on from 5~12pm with breaks respectively. So it would be a come if you want when you want basis. So I'm not necessarily limiting this to 4 people + me but really a large group of us basilers who play together.

Future goals of this project would be some in house games and scrims against each other out of fun

Comment or add me in-game :Extracte

November 15, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


Add me Divergenter, I am pretty interested in this.
I usually play/main mid and top
I wanna work on my supporting skills and trying new things for support aka Ziggs support, Ahri support and Annie support w/ other troll picks

Reply November 17, 2013

I'd be interested! Add me up! haha I'm a mid/jungler but I can ADC and Top as well. As long as I'm not support I'm looking to improve myself before Season 4 starts so I can get a good boost in my placement matches. Hit me up!

EDIT: Also, my champion pool I typically play (trying to learn more champions atm, these are the ones I'm pretty good with)
Top: Lee Sin, Olaf, Tryndamere, Akali, Garen, Jax, Nasus, Rengar, Vladimir, Wukong
Mid: Nidalee, Gragas, Fiora, Akali, Anivia, Annie, Fizz, Malzahar, Morgana, Pantheon, Sion, Talon, Viktor
ADC: Caitlyn, Tristana, Ezreal, Twitch
Jungle: Amumu, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Master Yi, Nocturne, Rammus, Rengar, Shaco, Shyvana, Vi, Warwick

Reply November 17, 2013 - edited

I got perma grounded lmao but I main support (I'd say I'm better than certain kinds of people and by that I mean getting 6 ranked wins into silver 3 as support when brother got 7 ranked Jung wins for silver 5). But I can also top with when or Elise. I'm awful at jungle and a less than desirable mid/ADC. Haven't tried the new support mechanics yet, though it feels like there's going to be lots of raging at the supp for not warding (new 3 ward limit OP).

Edit: I carried myself for those 6 wins. I made this sick Janna play for my team and got my Lee sin jungler 3 kills in the first 4 minutes of the game (killed their mid and not lanes when they tried to invade). That was like the best play I've ever made so far. Shame that silver 3 is full of the most annoying a holes. The guys o played with getting into ranked were overall nicer. Only had one bad player one time. Moaned about how my supp Elise was bad (they had supp volibear which I can counter as the spider) but the eve jungler campped us.

Support maining is fin but you get trashed a lot. So don't blame the support because he probably couldn't save you.

Reply November 17, 2013 - edited

I'd like to join. I'm a jungler/top. But lately my top has been getting worse and worse. I've been playing jungle more exclusively nowadays >.> I can play a lot of junglers so yeah msg me.

Reply November 16, 2013 - edited

i could since im bored ;s

Reply November 16, 2013 - edited

It's not hard finding a top or mid. Everyone wants do play that. If you can find support main. Treasure that person. Anyways, I main mid and jungle, but with the massive kassawin bans in ranked, I'm switching over to jungle/support. The only support I play though is naut, since blitz is always banned and I don't like thresh. Janna and leona I'm average at, but I don't find them fun.

Reply November 15, 2013 - edited

I would be interested in this. IGN: calebheads

Reply November 15, 2013 - edited