

Getting ready for 8th grade

So yea im going into 8th grade on the 15th of august and im pretty siked, because now, my class is going to be like the seniors of middle school or something like that. (in my school system we dont have jr.high, and middle school is grade 6-8) anybody else want to share there 8th grade expediences? im looking foward to this overnight field trip that all 8th graders can attend

August 4, 2011

9 Comments • Newest first


8th grade was pretty good, i had an emotional class though which made me a bit sad.

Reply August 4, 2011

8th grade was probably my favourite year in elementary school along with 7th grade. The teachers were great, and my absolute favourite thing was that my friends and I ran what we called the "Snack Shack" where we just chips, yogurt, milk, and other snacks to everyone else, and we were also responsible for hot dog days lol. We got out of class before lunch about 10-15 minutes early every day so we could go and set up and we were always welcome to take something. Albiet, we were told we could have one thing free a week and we [i]might[/i] have stretched that rule a little haha. Oh and I was Prime Minister, and it was a lot of fun making events and organizing them with everyone else. I think one of my biggest regrets of high school was that I didn't continue on with student council, but I was too worried that it would take to much of my time and I was right; still though, it would have been a lot of fun. Our end of the year trip was going to Ottawa for a few days, but my parents didn't let me go. It was no big deal though, I had been to Ottawa quite a few times prior.

Reply August 4, 2011

At the end of grade 8 we stayed at a summer camp for two days. it was fun and drama filled.

but yeah.. it's still middle school.

Reply August 4, 2011

I'm entering my sophomore year of college. Been a long time since I've been in the 8th grade.

Reply August 4, 2011

[quote=laffingdead]why was it so miserable for you? :O[/quote]

I fell in love with the bane of my existence and was sent on an emotional roller coaster with no one to share it with for years. I ended up fortifying the protective shell around my emotions which makes me impervious to any form of sadness that would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life since I never got resolution to the problem. Perhaps the only way to get rid of the problem is the day he dies. And I cannot wait for that day.

Reply August 4, 2011

Haha, lots of sexy and partying. You're gonna have so much fun.

Reply August 4, 2011

[quote=HolyMythos]The overnight field trip we took in 8th grade was the worst thing that ever happened to me. The one event in my life that makes me sad and angry just thinking about it. And that was a decade ago.[/quote]

why was it so miserable for you? :O

Reply August 4, 2011

Ehhh...wait for another year and you'll be at the bottom.

Reply August 4, 2011

The overnight field trip we took in 8th grade was the worst thing that ever happened to me. The one event in my life that makes me sad and angry just thinking about it. And that was a decade ago.

Reply August 4, 2011