
Least used weapon type, Most worthless weapon atk scroll

My guess is 2 handed blunt weapon.

Heroes typically use 2 handed swords and 2 handed axes
Pallys typically use 1 handed swords and 1 handed blunt weapons
Dark Knights use spears and polearms
Arans use polearms
Demon Slayers use 1 handed axes and 1 handed blunt weapons

All Mages use either staffs and wands, pretty equally all things considered

Bowmen use bows
Crossbowmen use crossbows
Mercedes use dual bows

Assassins use claws
Bandits use daggers
Dual Blades use daggers and kataras

Buccaneers use knuckles
Corsairs use guns

January 17, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Laguniroth]Maybe i should have been more clear. I'm looking for the best scroll to use on an android heart.. For a class that uses WEAPON attack. And that thought got me to wondering what the least used weapon in maple is.[/quote]

As far as "worthless weapons" goes:
1. two handed blunt weapons (I've seen gmed ones unsold for 300mish....)
2. two handed axes (there's a 140 one in Broa clean for a mere 500mil.... other 140's cost 4+bil...)
3. knuckles (knuckles may actually be the top useless weapon as there are a ton of heroes and pallies to at least put two h axes/ bws to use)
4. xbows (there are gmed ones going for less than 800mil; a perfect vip is only 1.6bilish in Broa atm...)
5. Spears (most drks use 140 or 130 p/a's for speed purposes)
6. Two handed swords (other than hacked sts, they are cheap)
7. guns (the only expensive one is the 140 one; mass duped vips made guns pretty affordable)
8. bows (a gmed one costs roughly 1.2-1.6bilish MAX)
9. wands (surely most mages can use them but staves have better base stats and look better arguable )
10. one handed axes/ maces (generally they are cheaper but with dms inflation, they are inflated. there are vip axes only going for 4bilish in Broa though which seems pretty cheap. In a month or two, they will be worth less than half of the ones they are currently under as dms will get nerfed and won't be a popular class)

From then on most of the other unlisted weapons will cost you a pretty penny </3

Reply January 18, 2012

[quote=ahhreggi]Fists. If you count that as a weapon. XD[/quote]

Technically, Pirates can attack without weapons equipped. o.o

Reply January 18, 2012

Phantoms use pimp canes

Reply January 18, 2012

[quote=askmiller]isn't there a 2h mace type weapon? I thought there was. Or was that considered blunt wep?[/quote]

that's the same thing

Reply January 18, 2012

Maybe i should have been more clear. I'm looking for the best scroll to use on an android heart.. For a class that uses WEAPON attack. And that thought got me to wondering what the least used weapon in maple is.

Reply January 18, 2012

cannoneers use hand cannons

Reply January 17, 2012

Nice discovery.

Reply January 17, 2012

Buccs arent played to much so Knuckles are rly cheap

Reply January 17, 2012