

A more detailed look at the Bandit revamp. Opinions Welcome

[header=whatever]Intro: (Aka, Skip This Part)[/header]
Greetings Fellow Shadowers of Basil, it's Fhyl once again. It has been a few months since information on the Thief/Pirate revamp was released, and it seems that people have been talking about it extensively ever since. I already made one thread about my immediate(general) thoughts on the revamp,
But I recently decided that I wanted to make a more in depth version of my opinions, getting into how I specifically felt about each change, along the lines of what my fellow shadower LatinBandit did in his thread. (which I highly recommend you all take a look at, it's much more informative than this piece of junk will be).

I will be displaying the most complete/recent information I could find about each particular skill change, giving a detailed opinion on it(if I have one) and an arbitrary "grade". Just because I am that awesome of a guy, I will also be grading each individual Job level, and the revamp as a whole. If you disagree with any of my opinions, I encourage you to express your own. This is a forum after all

[*]Just a side note.. If any of these skill descriptions are outdated/completely wrong(and some will be do to the haphazard way Shakar/OrangeMushroom organized their blogs.. Love you guys by the way <3) please let me know and I will change them immediately.

[header=whatever]First Job (Rogue):[/header]

[b]Nimble Body[/b]
[i]Max Level: 20 -> 10.[/i]
[i]Avoidability/Accuracy Bonus: +160 at max level -> +220 at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: Not quite what I would have done, (I would have made "nimble body" our skill that allows us to break the speed/jump cap.) but there is nothing wrong with this. It would have meant a lot more with the original acc/avd formula however...
[*]My grade: B+

[b]Dark Sight[/b]
[i]Speed Increased by 10% (0% at max level -> 10% at max level).[/i]
[*]My Take: Very nice. When you are in darksight, you get a 10% speed boost at max level (as opposed to starting out with it slowing you and having to unlock regular speed) Basically, it works the same way as the resistance beginner skill "infiltrate" does. (which I always said it should)
[*]My grade: A+

[b]Double Stab[/b]
[i]Damage Increased (130% at max level -> 165% at max level).[/i]
[*]My Take: I'm with my pal Latin bandit on this one.. 4 different animations for a skill most of us never even use past lvl30 seems kind of pointless.. Why don't our other skills get this treatment of a better animation when we get stronger? -cough- BoT -cough-
[*]My grade: I don't give a hoot

[b]Lucky Seven[/b]
[i]Damage Increased (170% at max level -> 190% at max level).[/i]
[*]My Take: Same thing as double stab.. I guess in theory I should care slightly more as I've had this skill maxed since forever.. But I honestly don't
[*]My grade: meh

[b]Keen Eyes[/b]
[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: Everyone's a sindit now eh?
I personally find it silly, the people who think/thought this meant sins' range was getting taken away. Bowmen lost their keen eyes-like skill in jump(?) and they still have max range so why wouldn't this be the same?
[*]My grade: Indifferent

[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: I was hoping that they'd make this skill similar to a slightly nerfed "threaten" (white knight skill) and have it work on bosses.. But I guess removing it entirely works too. I personally never found a use for it as it was.
[*]My grade: B

[b]Self Haste[/b]
[i]Moved from Dual Blade's 2nd job to DUAL BLADE's 1st job.[/i]
[i]New Feature! Permanently increases your max speed by 20% at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: This doesn't affect me at all... Why did I even put this here/comment on it?
[*]My grade: Well lets see.. the average between a "D" and a "B" is a "C".. Sounds about right for a fairly average class.

[i]Moved from 2nd job to [non-dual blade] thief 1st job.[/i]
[i]New Feature! Permanently increases your max speed by 20% at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: VERY interesting.. 1st job haste would have come in a lot of handy back in the day, and I DEFINITELY approve of the raising the speed cap. But they should have raised it more. Thieves should be faster than bowmen, not equal in speed/slower (the bowmen skill has built in speed as a passive, ours is a buff)
[*]My grade: C+ (penalized for cheating off of bowmen's test)

[b]First job as a whole:[/b]
There really wasn't a lot that needed to be done here. Raising our speed cap was obligatory, and moving haste to 1st job was unexpected. Over all it is an average revamp for this job, so I give it the average grade of: C

[header=whatever]Second Job (Bandit):[/header]

[i]Max Level: 20 -> 10.[/i]
[i]Damage: 300% at max level -> 330% at max level.[/i]
[i]Steal Chance: 40% at max level -> 49% at max level.[/i]
[i]Stun Duration: 4 seconds at max level -> 5 seconds at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: I'm not going to lie, I've never liked this skill. Back when I was a bandit, this skill was the most worthless skill in the game, and aside from being a decent mob skill now, I dont think much has changed.
[*]My grade: D I was expecting so much more.

[b]Savage Blow[/b]
[i]Max Level: 30 -> 20.[/i]
[i]Damage: 90% at max level -> 94% at max level.[/i]
[i]Required MP: 26 at max level -> 22 at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: This skill is mostly unchanged, with the exception of a new animation.. Which I have to say, I'm loving. (Black and red are my colors)
[*]My grade: B+ (Would be higher if the damage broke 100% per hit)

[b]Physical Training[/b]
[i]Moved from other 2nd jobs to thieves' 2nd job.[/i]
[i]DEX/LUK Bonus - 30 at max level.[/i]
[*]My take: Obligatory skill that every class has insome form or another now. Will make it easier to be dexless/low dex, while at the same time making us passively stronger. Nothing to dislike here.
[*]My grade: A

[b]Flash Jump[/b]
[i]Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job.[/i]
[Max Level: 10, 22 MP consumed at max level]
[*]My take: Another tidbit I found is that FJ will now work like the Mercedes FJ knockoff, double tapping regular jump activates it. That combined with the moving to second job make me willing to overlook the fact they didnt give us the bandit exclusive animation I was hoping for.
[*]My grade: A

[b]Shield Mastery[/b]
[i]Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job.[/i]
[i]Defense raised to 110% Avoid/Dodge(?) increased 20%[/i]
[*]My Take: Eh it's shield mastery.. a third string skill at best possibly pushed up to second string because of the 20% thing.. I still say this skill should have doubled the effects of any equipped shield, it could have saved them from adding in all those silly extra weapon attack buffs.
[*]After learning from LatinBandit how avoid % works, I have raised this score to a C+.(I won't be explaining it here, hes the man with answers, I'm just the guy with opinions)
I'm still mostly bitter that they didn't make this SHIELD mastery, and instead kept it DEFENSE mastery, with some avoid mastery thrown in for good measure.

[b]Meso Guard[/b]
[i]Moved from 3rd job to 2nd job. [/i]
[i]Better meso formula. (50%)[/i]
[*]My Take: This is one of my favorite skills, and so there wasn't a lot of change needed. Moving it to 2nd job works.. and making it cost less to keep me alive makes it even better.
[*]My grade: A++

[b]New Skill! Karma:[/b]
[i][Max Level: 20][/i]
[i]Description: Improves your Weapon ATT for a period of time.[/i]
[i]Level 20: Duration: 180 seconds, Weapon ATT: 30.
[*]My Take: A curious addition.. Not really necessary to our skill set, and another buff to cast.. (I currently have 7 @_@) It's better than the attack potions I use though, so I guess I can appreciate never needing to buy Warrior Elixers again. I like the animation for it as well.
[*]My grade: Solid B

[b]Second job as a whole: [/b]
Once again keeping with the "more mobile earlier" theme, we now get Flash Jump this job. We also get Meso Guard this job for increased survivability. (Is survivability every really that difficult in second job? O-o). Rounding it off, we get a skill that replaces the need for (most of the easily obtainable) attack potions.. so good for that I suppose. Our main attacking skills are unchanged, which is fine because they suck.. Err.. work.. Overall I give this job a B+.

[header=whatever]Third Job (Chief Bandit):[/header]

[b]Assaulter -> Spell Hymn/Foriegn Spell/Muspelheim/Whatever the heck we're calling it today[/b]
[i][Max Level: 20][/i]
[i]Description: While invisible to the enemies approaching, strike at a great speed to damage them 3 times and knockback.[/i]
[i]Level 20: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 358, Attacks up to 4 monsters 2 times.[/i]
[*]My Take: Here it is, the most divisive change/addition to our skill set. I know I'm going to get some flack for this, but I like it. As bandits, we have not one, but TWO(really three) skills that require us to have and keep a monster in a certain place.(PP+Meso Explosion and Smokebomb.) Giving us an ability that makes us able to directly move a monster is a GREAT idea, and a long time coming. With that said, i'm not convinced that this move should be out main mobbing skill for 3rd job. And I'll share my thoughts on what it replaced momentarily. Speaking of replacement, this attack is technically assaulter with a new animation built over top of it, turned into a rushing mob skill.
[*]My grade: They removed the "teleport" capabilities of Assaulter, unfortunately I'm going to have to dock it some points for that. C+

[b]Shadow Partner[/b]
[i]Damage copied raised from 50% to 70%[/i]
[i]No longer requires a summoning rock[/i]
[*]My Take: I'm of two minds on the changes to this skill. The rationalist in me thinks it is silly that summoning rocks now barely have any purpose(I think one bishop skill uses them?) and would have been much happier if they made all the old skills that used to use them, start using them again, including DB shadow partner. On the other hand, the lazy guy in me loves the fact that I will no longer have to keep a supply of them in my inventory, freeing up etc room for other useless garbage <3. I ended up listening to the lazy guy.
[*]My Grade: A+

[i]Now an on/off toggle skill.[/i]
[*]My Take: Brilliant. Now if only they would make it so that you can meso explode mesos of other members of your party(or at very least find a way to diffrentiate mesos you can explode from ones you can't.. Or better yet, only show mesos you can explode.. it isn't like the coding would be hard to make dropped mesos work like "quest items" so only you can see them.) so I don't have to hate being partied with other shadowers anymore.
[*] My Grade: B-

[b]Meso Explosion[/b]
[i]Damage Increased by 6% (180% at max level -> 186% at max level).[/i]
[*]My Take: It's still the same great best DPS move we have that it's always been.. With a tiny bit more damage.
[*]My Grade: They didn't really do much to it, besides a (small) samage increase. I really do love the new explosions though they look much more powerful than the current one. So B+, (next time put in more effort.)

[b]Radical Darkness: [/b]
[i]Description: With your affinity with the darkness, permanently increase your HP by 20% your resistance to statuses by 30%, and your resistance to elemental damage by 30%[/i]
[i](master level: 20)[/i]
[*]My Take: If they want to move shadow resistance to third job, give it a badass name, and make it give 10% more hp, status and elemental resistance, who am I to argue?
[*]My grade: Check Plus.

[b]Venomous Stab[/b]
[i]Moved from 4th job to 3rd job.[/i]
[*]My Take: I am (not)surprisingly indifferent to this change.
[*]My grade: Whatever

[b]Meso Mastery[/b]
[i]Moved from 4th job to 3rd job.[/i]
[*]My Take: another moving of a 4th job skill to 3rd job. Makes pretty much everything we do better in some way, so getting it earlier is a plus.
[*]My Grade: Check Plus Plus

[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: Good riddance. The only thing you were good for was taking up points that would have fit much better (and made more sense as a prerequisite) from shield mastery. You will not be missed. (By me anyway)
[*]My grade: A++++

[b]Dark Flare[/b]
[i] Now shows active area of skill[/i]
[*]My take: I've liked this skill ever since we got it in big bang.. Unfortunately literally every other skill we get in 3rd job looks hella important to max.
[*]My Grade: C- I'm afraid for this skill, we're grading on a curve.

[b]Band of Thieves[/b]
[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: My opinion on the skill "Band of thieves" is twofold.
[*]1. The animation: is terrible. I hate every single one of those "thieves". The (noobly) spearman, the moderately attractive(and yet completely unintimidating) woman, the guy with a blue high collar jacket who looks like he's telling me to stop in the name of love, the ninja (which is the exact OPPOSITE of what I consider a bandit to be), and the fat guy.. Oh how I hate the fat guy. That stupid expression on his face, how he looks like he's in a daze every moment of his life, and the stupid way he claps his arms together like that is a real attack. Guess what buddy its not >.>.
[*]2. The skill itself: is awesome. What I had hoped for was the same skill, with a fresh coat of paint, at very least when you get to 120 your band changes to show that they are becoming battle hardened soldiers. and again at 150.. To feel like a true kingpin of a group of strong thieves, but eh it is what it is..
[*]My grade for the removal of this skill entirely: F- (See me after class.)

[b]New Skill! Carnival Edge:[/b]
[i][Max Level: 20][/i]
[i]Description: Swing your dagger at the speed of light in front of your enemy.[/i]
[i]Level 20: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 122, Number of Attacks: 8.[/i]
[*]My Take: Now that's what I'm talking about! This DEFINITELY fits us better as a 1 on 1 attacking move than assaulter ever did. An upgraded version of Savage blow that also sticks it to DB's and their fancy "other" blows. The animation kicks ass too, rock on.
[*]My grade: A+

[b]3rd job as a whole:[/b]
Wow this is a mixed bag. There are some things in this job I like a LOT. (Carnival Edge, finally getting a rush skill.) And some pretty bad things as well. Overall, I think the good outweighs the bad, so I'm giving it a C++ (as in, literally one point away from being a B-, not the programming language)

[header=whatever]Fourth Job (Shadower):[/header]

[i]Damage Increased (600% at max level -> 740% at max level).[/i]
[i]Dark Sight is not needed anymore.[/i]
[i]New Feature! Deals 150% extra damage if Dark Sight is used.[/i]
[i]Cooldown/charge up removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: Thank god. I know most of my fellow shads will probably disagree, but as good as Boomerang step is as a mob skill, it is HIGHLY lacking as a 1 on 1 skill. There are about 20 different things that boost this skill up in attack power, and unfortunately I can't find which of the ones they finally ended up going with. "Assassinate points" seems very interesting. Able to be used to either /(both?) boost assassinate and a later skill.. At any rate, I'm very happy with them making this a useful skill again.
[*]My Grade: A+

[i]Cooldown Decreased (360 seconds at all levels -> 300 seconds at max level).[/i]
[i]New Feature! Adds 20% Critical Rate at max level.[/i]
[*]My Take: Somkescreen.. While it is no secret that I feel this skill would have been made better by being having a MUCH lower (almost no) cool down, at the expense of protection (50% godmode instead of 100%.) I DO like this revamp. I even like the animation for it. (For those who still believe that "you can't see yourself in it now" this is false. The lack of opacity in some of the earlier shadower revamp videos was actually due to a glitch in the way the skill was displayed in KMSTespia. In the real KMS, this was fixed to be roughly the same opacity as our smoke is now, only tinted purple, and cooler.) The crit boost is a nice touch.. The closest thing to a unique party skill we get sadly. (and the only way we can boost our own crit without equips -_-) I also appreciate them lowering the cooldown slightly.. but I wish they had lowered it more.
[*]My Grade: Same great godmode skill + bonus crit for the whole party = B+

[b]Boomerang Step[/b]
[i]Damage Increased by 40% (670% at max level -> 710% at max level).[/i]
[i]Amount of Enemies Hit Inreased (4 at max level -> 6 at max level).[/i]
[i]Bonus Damage is now applied to Savage Blow, Steal, Spell Hymn, and Carnival Edge.[/i]
[*]My Take: This change alone sends our mobbing capibilities sky high from what they are now. Adding 80% (the attack hits twice) and hitting two entirely new monsters(so we hit 6 now) There's no downside to this, not even a "worse mp formula" is enough to ruin how awesome we will be with this skill.
[*]My Grade: A+

[b]New Skill! Fatal Venom:[/b]
[i][Max Level: 10][/i]
[i]Description: Permanently increases Venom's poison probability and the number of overlapping venoms.[/i]
[i]Required Skill: Venom lv. 20.[/i]
[i]Level 10: Posion chance: 50, Damage Over Time: 160% every 1 second for 8 seconds, Can overlap 3 times.[/i]
[*]My Take: Forgive my ignorance, but I've never really understood how the damage for "overlapping poison" worked. Is it additive or multiplicative? Bleh I suck at math and theres too many variables. But either way, I'm glad poison stacks again.
[*]My Grade: A

[b]New Skill! Dagger Expert:[/b]
[i][Max Level: 30][/i]
[i]Description: Permanently increases your mastery, Weapon ATT, Accuracy, and Avoidability when your weapon is equipped.[/i]
[i]Required Skill: Dagger Mastery lv. 20.[/i]
[i]Level 30: Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Accuracy: +15%, Avoidability: +15%.[/i]
[*]My Take: I STRONGLY approve of this. More mastery, more passive weapon attack, and % accuracy and avoid.. Noone should be against this one.
[*]My Grade: A+

[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: I'm glad it's gone. A good skill in theory.. But in practice it was stupid and pointless. Taking more time to make sure it actually affects the monsters youre fighting than just killing them would, and not even granting much of an exp/drop boost. This skill should have been a buff that strongly lowered your defenses but increased the drop rate/exp rate of the entire party. At VERY least, it should have worked like an ultimate; affecting every monster on the screen rather than the 6 (if that >.> ) it affected/will still continue to affect in NL's skill books. (They get to keep this stinker of a move)
[*]Note: I know some shads swear that taunt has a noticible affect on the drop rate of bosses, -cough- Pat -cough- but I have never noticed this. Granted, I only have level 1, but I still do not believe it affected the amount of drops that say Zakum made. I admit, I'm not basing this off of any extractions or anything, but then again, I don't think they are wither when they say it does.
[*]My Grade: (At the removal of the skill) A+ Another case of good riddance.

[b]Ninja Ambush[/b]
[i]Skill Removed.[/i]
[*]My Take: As I have run out of literally anything else to max in 4th job, I have begun putting points into Ninja Ambush. I used to think the skill was completely worthless, and to a certain extent I still do. The animation is boring, and half the time I don't know when it's actually making contact with the monster or not.. On top of that, I also have a dislike for ninjas in the first place (I am a pirate first and foremost).
My Grade: A. The removal of this skill makes me happy, but knowing what it is being replaced with maked me slightly less happy..
Which brings us to...

[b]New Skill! Sudden Raid:[/b]
[i][Max Level: 30][/i]
[i]Description: Call your hiding allies to burn everything around you.[/i]
[i]Level 30: MP Cost: 290, Attacks up to 15 enemies, Damage: 1150%, Damage Over Time: 210% every 1 second for 10 seconds, Cooldown: 30 seconds.[/i]
[*]My Take: I want to be clear, I have no problem with Shadowers having a super move. Don't get me wrong, it was INCREDIBLY lazy for nexon to do it this way, taking an old skill removed from DB's skill books and arbitrarily slapping it onto the skill books of all 3 thieves.. I don't even really mind as much that they are ninjas. If anything, being a pirate who is so badass that ninjas report to me and do what I say appeals to me. What I do NOT like however, is having a DB reject skill in my skill book. For pretty much this skill alone, SO many people are claiming that "Shads are now DB lite" (We arent). I will use this skill, but that doesn't mean I'm going to like it.
[*]My Grade: C-
[*]*IMPORTANT* Side Note: Is this skill fire elemental? If so, that in itself is somewhat cool.. And would make it HIGHLY effective at bearwolves, crockys and blood reindeer.. Just a thought. I'll do some digging and post what I find here.

[b]New Skill! Shadow Instinct:[/b]
[i]Description: Awaken your instincts through the shadow to increase your damage and ignore monster's DEF. In addition, the Assassinate skill's level will rise.[/i]
[i]Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 60 seconds, Weapon ATT: +20, +6 skill points.[/i]
[i][Passive Effect]: Ignore Monster's DEF: 20%[/i]
[*]How it works: (I think) While this buff is active, you gain the ability to collect "assassinate points" (up to 5), which appear as a graphic above your characters head (think the sader skill: "combo&quot, every time you make an attack. For every assassinate point, you either gain 6 extra W.Attack the next time you cast Shadower instinct, OR you gain a certain % damage boost on assassinate (i can't find how much). There are still some things I don't know, like how long the buff lasts, and whether you can use both the weapon attack boost and the assassinate damage boost at the same time.
[*]My Take: Fitting that we'd end on this skill. I have seen more conflicting explanations for this skill than any other change this revamp, and am still completely unsure how it works.. What I've gathered is that when you use this buff, with every attack you make you gain points that either make this buff stronger or make assassinate stronger.. (or possibly both?) Also, it only lasts 60 seconds.. which is annoying. I do like the passive ignore monster defense effect though.
[*]My grade: Incomplete. All answers must be in the form of a question.

[b]4th Job as a whole: [/b]
I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw this, i was blown away. It is almost everything I was hoping for with a lot of extras thrown in for good measure.. (some better than others >.> ) Overall, I give it an A+ out of 10.

[header=whatever]Shadower Revamp: Final Thoughts[/header]
It seems that the Thief/Pirate revamp as a whole has far more negative reviews than positive ones. Unfortunately, I am hardly an expert on sins, buccs, or sairs.. But I do however have quite a bit of Bandit/Chief Bandit/Shadower experience. (A bit over 5 years now) So hopefully my opinion means something when I say that, to me at least, the Shadower revamp is amazing. Sure it isn't perfect, but let's be honest.. This is Nexon we're talking about here. Was anyone actually expecting it to be perfect?

My overall grade: B+

[header=whatever]My response to common stupidly said things about this revamp[/header]
[b]"Shadowers become DB's after the revamp:"[/b] No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no a million times, no. To be honest, it is amazing how LITTLE shadowers have in common with DB's post union. DB's are a ripoff of US. Their skills were built from the ground up to be a "better, flashier" version of shadowers skills, and the major aim of this revamp was to make shadowers better and flashier.. In all honesty, it is pretty amazing that we only get ONE real "DB skill". And as stupid as it is that sudden raid has become a common thief skill, it actually has little bearing on our playstyle. As it will be one of the LAST things most shads max. Savage blow now has a new color scheme that makes it look slightly (and i do mean slightly) like phantom blow. Nevermind that the two skills are completely different, and serve completely different purposes. In short, they are two completely different classes, play completely different, and you're an idiot.
[b]"Shadowers become "OP" after this revamp":[/b] Shadowers have always been the "underdog" of the thief class. Big bang did a lot to even this out, to the point where the two main thief classes became roughly equal, and in turn both of us were roughly equal with the other classes in the game.. But for some stupid reason, Nexon decided to buff literally every class in the game except shadowers, nl's, buccs and sairs.. And if that wasn't bad enough, they did it AGAIN. So yeah we do get boosted a lot, but we have a lot to catch up to as this is the equivalant of two major revamps(in some cases 3 >.&gt that the other classes got. In short, this patch will make us VERY VERY good. Probably elavating Shadowers to a point in the dpm charts we've never been before.. But no this is not Legend class, or db when they first came out levels that we're talking about here.
[b]"This revamp is bad/makes Shadowers worse overall"[/b] This point still gets brought up quite a bit, and it's almost as dumb as the first point in this list. Overall we get: more mobility in first job.. breaking the speed cap in first job. Even more mobility, fj in second job(with fj gaining the ability to be used like a double jump),
more survivability, with mg being moved to second job and made cheaper to boot, shield mastery defending more and giving us a dodge boost, *multiple* weapon attack buffs, a rushing skill to only add to and make the PP+ME combo better and more reliable, not to mention PP being made a toggle skill so hopefully shads wont waste so many coins they arent going to blow up. a MUCH better 3rd job one on one skill, shadow partner losing the rock requirement AND going back to 70% bonus damage, our Dot getting VASTLY improved, and stackable again, smokes cooldown getting lowered slightly and adding to our critical rate, boomerang step VASTLY improved, and hitting two entirely new monsters, more mastery, passive ignore weapon defense, and FINALLY getting a decent 4th job one on one attack.
We get all of that, and all it cost us was the removal of BoT, which yeah was a dumb idea, and yeah will be missed.. but it won't be crippling. Even if we have to use BS+Steal, it will still overall deal MUCH more damage to more monsters overall. and the removal of assaulter. From a purely training perspective, Carnival Edge >>>>> Assaulter. Yeah I know assaulter has a teleport capability we are losing. But to be honest, I think it is an acceptable loss. ALL of that, including several things which greatly improve our mobility for essentially one (unreliable) teleporting skill is a VERY good deal in my book.

In the spirit of giving credit where credit is due, the vast majority, if not all of the information I used to make this thread came from these two guys:
The translations/skill effects/etc are all their work, and I thank them for it.

With that said, on the off chance that either of you two happen to be reading this.. (highly unlikely, I know), could you please put together a clear and concise *Final* compilation of the thief/pirate revamp changes?
Your pages both have several conflicting/obsolete versions of the KMST revamp and nothing even resembling the "final" KMS versions you both gave the other classes revamps, and both of you seem to give far more time to Phantom in the same articles as you're discussing the T/P revamp.
Thankyou <3

Also huge thanks to j0s3a4d (Latinbandit) for his awesome thread on the same subject (Which this thread is a partial response to), and for helping me with Tofu syntax that I'm too dumb to understand @_@

Well that's my indepth opinion on this revamp. I'd love to hear opinions you all have, on both the revamp and my nonsensical ramblings about it..


January 22, 2012

166 Comments • Newest first


How does bs steal do more damage then bs bot?
isnt BS BOT more % then BS steal even post revamp?
Excuse me for my ignorance, i live under a rock.[/quote]
after justice patch, boomerang step is SIGNIFICANTLY better than it currently is. (the fact that it hits 6 instead of 4 makes it automatically 50% better, but the damage it does to each monster was significantly improved also) so yeah, the secondary attack only hits 4 now, and it's weaker, but the MAIN attack will hit 6 monsters and is much stronger. Hence why i say it does more damage to more monsters. There shouldn't be any doubt in anyones mind that from both a mobbing and 1 on 1 standpoint we are a HELL of a lot better in the long run post justice than we are now. (even if it is a bumpier road to get there).

[quote=wolfzfang]so is it better to use bstep + steal now D:

edit: nvm just saw the posts before me[/quote]
no. boomerang step hasn't been improved yet.

Reply April 27, 2012

What do you marco with boomerang step?

Post justice, BS+ Steal will do more damage to more monsters overall than BS+BoT does right now... and thats not even counting the general damage boosts we get to all of our attacks in the rest of the revamp. Muspelheim can also be used in the down time between BS's, as can muspelhiem and assassinate.
There may be a bit of roughing it for part of third job while we build up our skills, but overall we are more than compensated for the things they removed.

Reply April 26, 2012

[quote=AfroAmerican]@xgaulsmanx: where did you see a 5 sec cool down?..look at latins bandit guide thing..and thats prolly a 5 sec pvp cool down[/quote]

pvp is gone post justice... the 5 second cooldown was a kmst idea that (fortunately) didnt end up being put into the final patch.

Reply April 26, 2012

@xgaulsmanx: where did you see a 5 sec cool down?..look at latins bandit guide thing..and thats prolly a 5 sec pvp cool down

Reply April 25, 2012

[quote=j0s3a4d]@MrTouchnGo: Because Nexon is too lazy to think of anything original.
How many classes are there in total, not counting KoC?
How many of these classes don't have Ultimates?
From the top of my head:
- Warriors: 6 classes total. Hero, Paladin and Aran(?) don't have Ultimate. 50% of Warriors have ultimates.
- Mages: 5 classes total. None. 100% of Mages have ultimates.
- Thieves: 4 classes total. Phantom(?) doesn't have an ultimate. 75% of thieves have ultimates.
- Archers: 4 classes total. Marksman and Bowmaster don't have ultimate.. 50% of Archers have ultimates.
- Pirates: 4 None. 100% of Pirates have ultimates.
About 3/4 of every class in Maple has an ultimate. LOL. xD[/quote]
paladins have an ultimate, it's called heavens hammer. and im pretty sure that 4th job card tornado counts as an ulti for phantom. (massive range, heavy damage, large mobs)

[quote=xgaulsmanx]@AfroAmerican: assassinate will get a 5 sec cooldown. how did u calculate to be 4000% per hit?[/quote]
your information is outdated, there is no cool down in the final patch.

[quote=xgaulsmanx]overall a bad revamp, they removed the most distinct skills of shad such as assaulter, chakra (which can be used in dojo and they couldve make it better), and band of thieves. soon assassinate wont hit as much as they do now cuz u cant charge it anymore. also shad will be a clone of DB after this revamp. its totally sad for me.[/quote] you're wrong in pretty much every imaginable way.. as it is right now, assassinate is utter GARBAGE. you literally do more damage in the same amount of time to a single opponent with BS+BoT... and BS+ Bot hits 4-6 monsters. That "charge up time" is horrible, and no longer necessary to get the maximum damage from assassinate, instead it becomes completely spammable for full damage, and has several ways to buff it in power (shadower instinct and dark sight.) Even if it did half as much damage post justice... you can use it at least 9 times in the same amount of time as it would take to fully charge it up right now, doing more damage overall. As it is, it actually does MORE damage overall per cast post justice unless I am very much mistaken.
[quote=xgaulsmanx]@MrTouchnGo: fine, not cloning then but its getting similar to DB. i just want my BoT and assaulter back.[/quote]
We were already "similar" to dbs. That pretty much comes with the territory when a class is built from the ground up to be a ripoff of your class.

Reply April 25, 2012

[quote=xgaulsmanx]@MrTouchnGo: fine, not cloning then but its getting similar to DB. i just want my BoT and assaulter back.[/quote]

Nate maced with dark sight and 5 killing points does around 4000% [b]per hit[/b] so where are db's at?

Reply April 25, 2012

[quote=xgaulsmanx]i just want my BoT and assaulter back.[/quote]

Believe me, I feel the same.

Reply April 25, 2012

[quote=xgaulsmanx]i have both shadower and a DB. i also know the new skills added in this revamp. although the animation and damage is different, the basic concept of the skill is the same. Carnival Edge hits 8 times and with SP it hits 16 times. it just like fatal blow but with different animation and damage. the new Assaulter is able to push mobs so that is just like tornado spin. i want the old assaulter not this tornado spin like skill. they clearly doesnt put mush effort in developing unique skills. this goes for all jobs. the only good shadower attacking skills r bstep, assassinate and mesos explosion.[/quote]

Carnival Edge is used differently from Fatal or Phantom Blow in that CE is used to generate mesos for Meso Explosion while the DB skills are supposed to be spammed for optimal DPS.

Not to mention that two skills =/= automatic cloning.

Reply April 25, 2012

@xgaulsmanx: The problem is that you clearly know nothing about Dual Blades and Shadowers if you think Shadowers become Dual Blade clones after the revamp.

Reply April 25, 2012

[quote=xgaulsmanx]also shad will be a clone of DB after this revamp.[/quote]

[url=]Not this again.[/url]

Reply April 25, 2012

@MrTouchnGo: Because Nexon is too lazy to think of anything original.
How many classes are there in total, not counting KoC?
How many of these classes don't have Ultimates?
From the top of my head:
- Warriors: 6 classes total. Hero, Paladin and Aran(?) don't have Ultimate. 50% of Warriors have ultimates.
- Mages: 5 classes total. None. 100% of Mages have ultimates.
- Thieves: 4 classes total. Phantom(?) doesn't have an ultimate. 75% of thieves have ultimates.
- Archers: 4 classes total. Marksman and Bowmaster don't have ultimate.. 50% of Archers have ultimates.
- Pirates: 4 None. 100% of Pirates have ultimates.

About 3/4 of every class in Maple has an ultimate. LOL. xD

Reply April 24, 2012

[quote=j0s3a4d]@JuiceBoxes: Why should all thieves get dat Shadow Partner?
Why should all thieves get dat Flash Jump?
Why should all thieves get dat Haste?
Why should all thieves get dat Booster?
Why should all thieves get dat Venom?
Why should all thieves get dat Karma?
I could go on and on.

I don't understand how us getting Sudden Raid make you less of a "Ninja" or us more of it.
Sudden Raid is a horrible Skill that no one wants and it is just Nexon being lazy by giving everyone an ultimate.[/quote]

L>Explanation from Nexon as to why we should have an ultimate anyways.

Reply April 24, 2012

[quote=WhatCannon]@Laguniroth: Vampire helps to get lots of coins and is pretty helpful when bossing because it heals HP[/quote]
I have other skills that drop more coins (and deal actual damage as well) And if I need to heal, I have way more pots than I know what to do with (seriously i havent bought ANY in over a year and my elixers/power elixers just keep piling up.)
[quote=JuiceBoxes]@MrTouchnGo: Still,why should all thieves get dat Sudden Raid?[/quote]
we don't.. it was just another nexon fails idea.
[quote=osiji]What if shads ultimate was basically a huge band of thieves o.0 would that make everyone happy?[/quote]
Eh to be honest, we dont need ANY ultimate.

Reply April 24, 2012

@JuiceBoxes: Why should all thieves get dat Shadow Partner?
Why should all thieves get dat Flash Jump?
Why should all thieves get dat Haste?
Why should all thieves get dat Booster?
Why should all thieves get dat Venom?
Why should all thieves get dat Karma?
I could go on and on.

I don't understand how us getting Sudden Raid make you less of a "Ninja" or us more of it.
Sudden Raid is a horrible Skill that no one wants and it is just Nexon being lazy by giving everyone an ultimate.

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

@MrTouchnGo: Still,why should all thieves get dat Sudden Raid?

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

@Laguniroth: Vampire helps to get lots of coins and is pretty helpful when bossing because it heals HP

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=JuiceBoxes]Not fair at all.

Why have Shadowers have our old moves? WE ARE THE NINJAS OF MAPLE.

They take away our skill and give it to shadowers? THEY'RE BANDITS T.T,NOT NINJAS LIKE DBS ARE.[/quote]

You aren't very bright are you? the only move that any argument can be made of shadowers "taking db moves" is sudden raid... Only, a few problems with that.
1. Sudden Raid isn't currently a DB move. - So we aren't getting it from you. (we're getting it, along with every other thief, from Nexons trash bin of previously discarded bad ideas)
2. Most of us won't even be maxing it.
3. It really has no place in our skill set.. (As I have said many times in the past, shadowers are NOT ninjas. If you want to claim that DBs are, then go for it).
If you were refering to any other skill, you honestly don't deserve any rebuttal besides the generic but ever-fitting "you can't rip off something that was already a ripoff of you to begin with"

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=JuiceBoxes]Not fair at all.

Why have Shadowers have our old moves? WE ARE THE NINJAS OF MAPLE.

They take away our skill and give it to shadowers? THEY'RE BANDITS T.T,NOT NINJAS LIKE DBS ARE.[/quote]

all Thieves get Sudden Raid except for maybe Phantom.

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

Not fair at all.

Why have Shadowers have our old moves? WE ARE THE NINJAS OF MAPLE.

They take away our skill and give it to shadowers? THEY'RE BANDITS T.T,NOT NINJAS LIKE DBS ARE.

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

All the db animations are rugged and rough(same thing) and the shad skills, besides savage, seem so fluid.

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=WhatCannon]Thank goodness I have a UADit... SO MUCH FUN![/quote]
Congrats? Vampire wouldnt do much at all for my playstyle, but kudos if it works for you.

Reply April 24, 2012 - edited

Thank goodness I have a UADit... SO MUCH FUN!

Reply April 23, 2012 - edited

@Laguniroth: It moves your character when you're standing, doesn't it?

Reply April 23, 2012 - edited

[quote=KyuGuy]@Laguniroth: I agree. Although I'm not particularly fond of rushing on a Shad, if we must have it, they should at least keep the mobility of assaulter. From the videos, it looks like you have to be standing to cast it [/quote]

I've definitely seen people jump casting muspelheim... It just doesn't teleport you anymore.

Reply April 23, 2012 - edited

@Laguniroth: I agree. Although I'm not particularly fond of rushing on a Shad, if we must have it, they should at least keep the mobility of assaulter. From the videos, it looks like you have to be standing to cast it

Reply April 23, 2012 - edited

[quote=KyuGuy]@Laguniroth: Oh, that's what you meant. I feel like you wouldn't really need to use it when there are no monsters though since it's slow if you're just using it to travel.[/quote]

Perhaps I should have been more clear. Even if there is a monster on a ledge you want to jump to, if it walks out of the way at the last second (which happens often) then you fall... Hence unreliable. No I do not think it should have been removed (at VERY least, muspelheim should have kept the tele ability, preferably with the need for a target monster removed, so long as theres a valid landing target, but I digress we cant get everything.)

Reply April 23, 2012 - edited

@Laguniroth: Oh, that's what you meant. I feel like you wouldn't really need to use it when there are no monsters though since it's slow if you're just using it to travel.

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

I like the edge carnival, hate the loss of BoT, and loss of Chankra. I actually used it, imo it was useful in dojo and other places. They shoulda taken away Dark Flare >.<

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

[quote=aaronthecow]Shadowers suck.Just my opinion.[/quote]

It's a pretty valid one. One I'd have to agree with >.>

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

Shadowers suck.Just my opinion.

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

[quote=KyuGuy]The two big negatives (removal of BoT and Assaulter) are exactly why I don't like the revamp.
And what did you mean by calling Assaulter an "unreliable teleporting skill?" It's only unreliable if you have bad control :x[/quote]

I called it unreliable because in order to work, it is *entirely* reliant on there being a monster near any ledge where you want to land, if there isn't then you're SoL. When it works, yeah its pretty darn cool... But you can't tell me that it is a completely reliable tele move.. It's not.

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

The two big negatives (removal of BoT and Assaulter) are exactly why I don't like the revamp.
And what did you mean by calling Assaulter an "unreliable teleporting skill?" It's only unreliable if you have bad control :x

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

@Laguniroth: I smiled at that... Thank you for the smile and you perspective on the updates. It interests me to hear the opinions of veterans of changing classes.

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

This is freakin' awesome. 11/10 for this guide, fantastic job man.

Reply April 22, 2012 - edited

[quote=j0s3a4d]@iVege: It's not that slower but yeah the not being able to pot really sucks. The speed bonus is useless for us.[/quote]

not *entirely* useless. Now I can use decent haste instead of regular haste and still have max speed in dark sight. (it only takes me to 136% otherwise). Ok yeah, its useless lol.
[quote=Graaak]Finally a reason to train my CB again.

Looks pretty good overall, but there seem to be some disappointments here...[/quote]
You cant always get what you want... but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need

[quote=PiggyChow]A think the removal of assaulter and BoT really killed this revamp for me....[/quote]
Eh technically assaulter wasnt removed. And as far as im concerned, the removal of BoT has been at least partially compensated for. (a slight drop in mobbing ability, in exchange for... a pretty signifigant improvement in mobbing ability, and a HUGE improvement in 1 on 1 attacking.)

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

@afser1: All Bowmen can break the speed up not only Mercedes. Adventurer Bowmen can do this since JUMP! which was more than a few months ago.

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

Am I the only one mourning over the removal of assaulter?

In my opinion they should make Muspelheim teleport when you use it while jumping... or else the skill would seem a bit weird in animation just like CSB for brawlers.... (I always hated CSB, how ironic).

I mean come on they should give us at least that much in terms of mobility....

And did anyone notice the +20% max speed from haste? I really appreciate that lol. I think it's something that was necessary to do since Mercedes get it..(Which I don't understand why a bowman class has such high mobility... and never will).

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

Finally a reason to train my CB again.

Looks pretty good overall, but there seem to be some disappointments here...

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

@iVege: It's not that slower but yeah the not being able to pot really sucks. The speed bonus is useless for us.

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=j0s3a4d]I was expecting either a higher speed cap increase or a jump cap increase, we got neither.
What the fire truck! Seriously.[/quote]

We can't pot, it's slower, gives no speed bonus and has a much shorter duration.

Wind Walk does give 60% more damage though. However with this new change we can say DS gives Assassinate extra damage =3=

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=readrhino]Amazingly detailed look into the next revamp. Can you make one about the Brawler revamp? <3 <3[/quote]
Sadly, I can't claim to be nearly as knowledgeable about brawlers- pre or post justice as I am about Shads.. Overall I like the changes in the Bucc revamp though lol.
Maybe if you asked tricks, or one of the other high-profile basil buccs, theyd be able to give an informed retrospective

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=vegetoox]Golden words of wisdom right there.
DBs =/= Shadowers! Never will be. *cough*DBscamelater and theysuckalot*cough*[/quote]

Heh.. No need to beat around the bush. I think our revamp speaks for itself.

Reply April 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=Giigo]favorite post justice guide.. of them all ^u^[/quote]

Favorite shadower <3 of them all (Even if your main is supposedly a blade lol)

Reply April 19, 2012 - edited

[quote=JamesKing]Good take on all of the changes. Enjoyed the read, and agreed with the most part of what you said. VERY MUCH agree on your take on what BoT should have been. I've always thought Shads needed something similar to that. It'd add a lot of originality plus I love the motivational moves that change throughout levels.

I just have a question which probably has been asked before, but I've missed it.
For all the changes in skills, I'm really confused on how we will mob and 1v1 now..

With the boomerang step damage boost to Carnival Edge, will we spam that+ME or will we use the new Nate+ME or even a combo of both with even some use of buffed SB?

For mobbing because of the loss of BoT, will we combine Bstep with Steal really? Or will it become spammable enough and better to use it alone?[/quote]

I'd imagine it will be a matter of preference more than anything. One thing shadowers have always had, probably moreso than any other class, is options.

One route of course is dropping as many coins as possible with Carnival edge, and then exploding them (M.E. is still one of the best skills in the game and it seems like nexon is pushing it to become more integral to our play style)

For bosses, (1 on 1) Assassinate finally becomes a viable skill. Especially when built up with Shadower Instinct. So a 1 on 1 strategy might be based on building up your killing points with boomerang step+carnival edge, and then unloading assassinate. (And exploding the coins that drop too for a nice boost)

The removal of a good secondary mob skill for Boomerang step is a bit headscratching, but with the MAJOR improvement to BS, and our overall damage output in general, There shouldn't be anything wrong with using steal with BS if it really comes to that. I've also heard that if you jump when using it, muspelheim doesnt push you forward... so that might be a viable combo as well. Like I said, lots of options @_@

Reply April 19, 2012 - edited

Seems like a lot of people lately are fighting over whether or not Shadowers are now "Dull Blah" clones or not. I know it's been said, but how do you "ripoff" something that is in fact a cheap ass ripoff of you? This revamp makes US better. Dull Blahs have nothing to do with that betterment. If you are a Dull Blah and disagree, I honestly don't care

Reply April 19, 2012 - edited

[quote=Laguniroth]Oooh yeah. I'd probably do that but i dont have HT's card yet @_@ I'll probably get it once it gets instanced.[/quote]

I'll definitely go with you on that mission, whether or not I've quit. I just hated the idea of going through all the the trouble of getting into Horntail with the glitches and dc hacks and all. By the way, CONGRATZ ON 200!

Reply April 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=j0s3a4d]@Laguniroth: Hahaha naaah I mean the Codex Leafre Set lol. 30% PDR and +2 All Skills IIRC.[/quote]

Oooh yeah. I'd probably do that but i dont have HT's card yet @_@ I'll probably get it once it gets instanced.

Reply April 9, 2012 - edited
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