lawlerskates #Chat Talk

General Chat

Peeing in the shower I know this question has been asked many times, but I'm asking it this time round with a different twist. I ask that you indicate your gender. Now, I can't say 100% that this is true for everyone, but most people take showers standing up. Most guys stand while they pee, so it feels pretty natural to pee while you're in the shower (as a guy). But for girls, I can imagine it would feel pretty weird. So I'm curious as to whether there are any girls out there who release themselves while showering. Note: If this thread gets removed for being inappropriate, then I have no words to say other than, "ridiculous." Edit: Good God. I pressed enter too quickly.

General Chat

Peeing in the shower I know this question has been asked many times, but I'm asking it this time round with a different twist. I ask that you indicate your gender. Now, I can't say 100% that this is true for everyone, but most people take showers standing up. Most guys stand while they pee, so it feels pretty natural to pee while you're in the shower (as a guy). But for girls, I can imagine it would feel pretty weird. So I'm curious as to whether there are any girls out there who release themselves while showering. Note: If this thread gets removed for being inappropriate, then I have no words to say other than, "ridiculous." Edit: Good God. I pressed enter too quickly.

General Chat

Problem with my girlfriend Hey Basil. Right now I'm feeling pretty confused as to what I should do about my girlfriend. Let's call her Kate. Kate and I have been dating for about 9 months now (how long it takes for a baby to be born xD; unrelated). We started dating right after Christmas break of our Junior year. She's smart, beautiful (not just in my eyes), and really funny. I honestly couldn't imagine being with anyone else. She's just all around so great. After school the other day, we were sitting outside, talking, when she got a call from her mom telling her that she needed to come home right away; her mom didn't give a reason. Kate got off the phone, told me she had to go, and left in a hurry. As she was going a slip of paper fell out

General Chat

Checkin People Out So just from walking around on campus every day to get to class, I've noticed something. And this is what I've noticed: I see guys checking girls out all the time, and I am no exception. However, I rarely see girls checking out guys. Is this just because girls do it more on the sly? Is my campus an exception? Am I just not very observant of girls? Also, I don't just mean making eye contact and smiling. I mean doing a double-take and doing a full body scan, or something like that. Also not included is glancing and then thinking to yourself, "Damn, pretty fine." Poll

General Chat

Checkin People Out So just from walking around on campus every day to get to class, I've noticed something. And this is what I've noticed: I see guys checking girls out all the time, and I am no exception. However, I rarely see girls checking out guys. Is this just because girls do it more on the sly? Is my campus an exception? Am I just not very observant of girls? Also, I don't just mean making eye contact and smiling. I mean doing a double-take and doing a full body scan, or something like that. Also not included is glancing and then thinking to yourself, "Damn, pretty fine." Poll

General Chat

Eww! What the hell Well I was just thinking, as I scrolled through the pages of the shaving thread, about how some girls have mustaches (it's simply a matter of how visible it is). I think it's pretty bad when it's a girl with black hair, and you can clearly CLEARLY see that she has facial hair on her upper lip. But you can see it on the girls who have it depending on the lighting. Just a thought, I feel kind of bad for judging, since there's not much they can do about it. If they shave it, it grows back with a fury, right? Discuss.