

Investing in Nw equips?

So I thought since the NW revamp might come some time would it be smart to buy horde a TON of cRA for NWs? I'm asking basil because it's a really big investment I would spend on. Thanks.

September 14, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Let me tell you what , CRA is only nice , you need to have some good % LUK on it to make it good. You don't need that much , like I got on my CRA: Hat: 6% LUK , Top:6% LUK , Pants: 9%LUK 6% All stats ( Lucky cube) , and some other stuff , but I think it's enough to have like 80% LUK and CRA set.
I got on my Paladin 75%STR with CRA set , lvl 167 with 270k Range , also you don't have to get a good weapon , you can buy the new lvl 150 Ametsru claw however it called... And spell trace it. That's what I got but I just got lucky and found one with 12ATT on its potential for very cheap... So good luck I hope I helped you and have fun mapling !

Reply September 16, 2014 - edited

I planned to main it and horde a bunch of equips to sell off to, but meh I thought the prices would increase by a lot every time a new class comes out. Thanks for the info.

Reply September 14, 2014 - edited

If you are planning to main it, otherwise I dont really see the point because I doubt the prices are gonna change very much. The only way you would make good money is selling uber potential scrolled equips but frankly that would probably cost you more than its worth.

Reply September 14, 2014 - edited