

ldiotcracy #General Talk


4 Maple Items worth? So I got these 4 maple items from a random person could you guys tell how much these are worth I really have no idea how much they are. Please tell me their worth in Windia thanks! :) Lgendary Maple Storm Driver (Epic Item) Wep Attack 91, Jump +3, Rate of knockback 57%, 7 Upgrades avaliable 3% chance to recover 41 hp when attacking INT:+3% Avoidability: +32 Maple Soul Searcher (Epic Item) Wep Attack 55, Speed +8, Rate of knockback 40%, 7 Upgrades avaliable 3% chance to recover 32 MP when attacking 5% chance to apply Lv. 1 Seal when attacking Maple Kandayo (Rare Item) Wep Attack 25, Avoidablity +18, 7 Upgrades avaliable STR: +2% STR: +3 Maple Duke Katara (Rare Item) Wep Attack 36, +210 HP, 7 Upgrades avaliable Avoidabili


How do I get cubes without spending Nx? I remember there being occult cubes before I quit, those were pretty accessible. However now that I've heard that they have been removed and supposedly replaced with a "better" system. Back then I could at least get my potentials to the ones I wanted, now I have no idea how to get cubes. Most of my gear is rare crappy pot'ed and I have no idea what to do. How do I farm for these new cubes? I have rarely seen them drop at all, I tried bossing within bosses of my range (100k) and farming mobs. Both yield a pretty low amount of cubes. Is there something I'm missing? The old system had far more availability as it seemed to me. Someone please tell me a way to get some cubes without paying NX. Is