
Fusing Unlucky or not

It seems that, after the most recent patch, fusing doesn't seem to give epics and uniques as commonly as before.

I used to get at least 1 epic item on every day that I fused.

It's day 2 of fusing after the patch, but I still haven't gotten anything good.

Is this just bad luck or what?

August 14, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


It's not the hidden potential that was changed. In fact, I think it's about the same.

Instead, I think the rate to get anything better than a rare rank for potential was reduced by quite a bit.

I wonder if epic items will go up now.

Reply August 14, 2011

i heard it was like an event that allowed for a higher chance of potential when you fused two equips but its over now

Reply August 14, 2011

Same thing happened to me, now i when i fuse, seems that there is more change for us not to get a potential on the equip

Reply August 14, 2011