

Am I able to solo Pink Bean?

As the title says, came back recently wanted to get PB soul weapon, but my play times don't allow me to duo it with my friend, other then weekends. So since I don't want to have to wait a week for two chances of getting a soul shard I was wondering if I could solo it within the time limite.

Range:150k fully buffed (getting the 20% total damage link skill soon so should increase)
Also have about 100% boss damage
Any help would be appreciated.

June 18, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


If you die at pb, can you enter again?
EDIT: Nvm just found out.

Reply June 18, 2014 - edited

You can hit both Wiseman and Birdie with RB without activating the Birdie if you position yourself correctly, just so you know.

Reply June 18, 2014 - edited

just try? just notice the left bird statue does insta DR, you have to crash it properly...
just make a statue run and tell us about your dps on the statues, should answer it for you then

Reply June 18, 2014 - edited

Alright, I know the times pretty well I use to PB a lot but that was with a party of 3-5. So the timing isn't the problem I was just wondering if time would be an issue now that it's only 30 minutes.

Reply June 18, 2014 - edited

i think you can, but only if you know how to time pb's dr and magic crash properly (starts dr at 90% hp, lasts 25 sec 43 sec cd) and the left bird also can dr but I THINK you can stay out of range of him so he doesn't do it with enrage raging blow.

Reply June 18, 2014 - edited