

Buying new laptop

Hey basil community! Hope ya'll going well.

In a few days, it is my birthday and I am buying a laptop for myself. I don't have a lot of knowledge in this type of computer and I call the community to help me out.

I need a laptop that can run games like maplestory pretty easily, with cool features (random ones), a great quality and comfortable.
I have a $500-700 budget.

Thanks guys!

July 3, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


Which country or state do you live in?
Do you play games other than Maplestory? If you do, list those games.
Do you do anything else on your computer besides gaming?

Do you have preferred screen size?
Do you have a preferred laptop weight?
Is battery life important?
Will you be traveling with the laptop? If so, what kind of traveling do you expect (don't skimp on the details.)

Reply July 4, 2012