

Is it normal to buy a godly pair of Tyrant shoes for


Why would anyone spend such an amount on a single item?
Is this normal? Do people really buy pixels for such an outlandish amount of actual money?
What is the mindset of people in this world?
How could this be normal?

Please somebody explain.

June 2, 2013

21 Comments • Newest first


Look I can make big numbers appear on a screen!

Reply June 2, 2013

at least it's not drugs

Reply June 2, 2013

@manoqueen: If it is to them, it is. Why do you think a piece of paper with old dead people printed on it has value? It's because we chose to give it value. With $100, you can buy a quite of bit of food in the U.S and you can say money = food; but if you're on a deserted island with nothing to eat, then is money truly WORTH food?

@ImMoreWitty: I would assume the person isn't going into debt buying the ring then yes, it is logical. If I could spend a grand for a plane ticket to travel, why isn't it logical for me to spend half of that on an pixel-ated item which has a resell value when they are both for my happiness?

[quote=RailWays]So people who murder others for fun cause they like to should not be judged?
OT: a lot of people are really stupid with their money, its why America is in such bad debt.[/quote]

In case you haven't noticed, Koreans and Chinese gamers spend money on games too yet their country isn't in extreme debt.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

@exobishops: But I worked for hours at my minimum wage job to buy these godly tyrant shoes! It's my money! I worked for it! My parents feed me and give me a roof for free which is the only reason I even have free time to play games at all so I should totally be respected when I make stupid choices!

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=ExoBishops]Oh my god....

Would you spend $500 on a f~king PIXEL shoes?
$500 shoes IN REAL LIFE is Expensive asf,too.
think about that.[/quote]

I think both ideas are stupid. But spending $500 on pixels? Think of all the better things you could spend $500 on, instead of 1 pixelated item.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=nhan1st]Only $500, have you seen how much a godly LGR go for?
Let me ask you a few question
Why do you spend money to watch pixels, T.V.?
Why do you spend money to watch pixels, Movies?
Why do you spend money to eat at a restaurant instead of eating at home?
Why do you spend money on music players? They're just sounds.[/quote]

Answer me this and stay fashionable.

Is it logical?

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

If you want to spend half a g on a maplestory item, you have the right to.

I also have the right to mercilessly mock you and/or think less of you as an intelligent human being.

Fair's fair. Own your decisions or don't bother trying to criticize others for mocking yours.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

this can easily apply to everyone who plays video games, xbox, wili and all the other stuff
it all comes down to "its his/her money"
dont argue with what people want to do with their money, just dont -__-

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

You know something is wrong when you are paying 500 dollars for a pixel shoes.
I can get atleast 10 pairs of real shoes for that much.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Oh, youre in bello.

You saw that crazy shop in the fm, didnt you.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

I don't see what's bad about that as long as you can afford that type of thing/have a well-paying job.
Or if you made 500k NX in-game and spent that on the shoe.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Only $500, have you seen how much a godly LGR go for?
Let me ask you a few question
Why do you spend money to watch pixels, T.V.?
Why do you spend money to watch pixels, Movies?
Why do you spend money to eat at a restaurant instead of eating at home?
Why do you spend money on music players? They're just sounds.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Ive been offered 400 on mine, and theyre only enhanced 7 times lol
People are crazy

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Is it normal to buy a pair of air jordan shoes for $500?

Why would anyone spend such an amount on a single item?
Is this normal? Do people really buy shoes for such an outlandish amount of actual money?
What is the mindset of sneakerheads in this world?
How could this be normal?

Please somebody explain.

OT: People do crazy things for damage.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=MasterKEVQN]$500 isn't a lot to some people. It's not like you're throwing it away, you can just sell it back for the same amount.[/quote]

You've got a point. People always forget about the option of selling the same item. However, assuming you're buying to use the item and not just resell, you're facing many factors that still make purchasing such an item essentially a loss of money. Power creep will steadily depreciate those items, so you really can't sell back for the same amount. That's not to mention all the hackings that are going on which would have you lose the item and your money.

But yeah, your money, your choice.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

To some people logic is a 5 letter word. Let them be that way if they wish it's not like their stupidity affect other then annoying you

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Some buy the shoes for the sole purpose of getting better in the game.
Others buy the shoes as an investment, to resell the shoes with a greater value.
And there are people that just won't buy the shoes because they don't want to spent money on a game or just can't afford it.
It doesn't matter in which group you belong does it?
Just have fun with/without spending money.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

I love how people are trying to make logical sense out of this topic.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Oh here we go with the "it's their money".

Some of these people are the future of this economy. What makes you think I want them making stupid decisions in money spending?

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

Well, it might not make sense to some people, but to others, it's completely logical. And besides, it's their money, let them spend it. If they go bankrupt, then all they have to blame is themselves.

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited

There are many weird people in this world

Reply June 2, 2013 - edited