

Xenon Ap help

So I was told by my friend to just click the AUTO to apply my AP...But after doing it 1 time, the other 2 buttons now don't appear highlighted when I level Do I honestly have to add 1 SP at a time just to make my Xenon even stats?

July 10, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


Just keep applying the same button until the multilateral for that advance is req, and then the other buttons will unlock it self, decide which stat you wwant to max first and just keep doing that process until you get to the 33x stage

Reply July 10, 2013

[quote=bunnywabbitz]does multilateral require base stats?[/quote]
Yes. It only counts for base stats.

Reply July 10, 2013

Ad everiting to MP pls

Reply July 10, 2013

For each Multilateral you start off with all 3 green and get to pick which one to start with. After that the other 2 wont appear green again until you've reached the amount of the stat you chose required to activate the Multilateral. Let's say I need 260 base STR to activate the Multilateral for Stance. Once I decide to go with STR I can either apply to the others manually or auto assign to STR until I get to 260 STR. Then DEX and LUK become green again and once I decide which one I want to get to 260 next the other one will become grey until I get the one I chose to 260. Just auto assign until you get to 200, it pretty much prevents you from going over the required amount. What I did was first LUK then STR then DEX until Multilateral 4, then I switched to LUK, DEX, STR. There'll always be some extra left over that will be applied in the next job so once you've reached the requirements for all 3 stats in that specific Multilateral I recommend adding the rest to LUK since it's always the first Multilateral you're going to want to acquire because it increases your avoid.

It all evens itself out in the end so doing it manually is the only way you could really mess anything up.

Reply July 10, 2013

u can fill up 1 stat before the other. then go on to the next. and next. after that u got all 3 att the lvl for multilateral. after that u can fill up the stat where u got the most % in.

Reply July 10, 2013