

lilazninja #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Build Suggestions Please So I hit 120 recently (yay) and got my advancement but because I am so new to the skills avaible I am here asking you vets what you find viable. So far I have yet to see a Post BB guide/build for I/Ls perhaps I haven't searched properly? However I would like to know nice training spots and also some spots I can rotate with to alliviate boredom. Along with that which should I level up first? When I was messing around with the vikings I noticed that CL is uber fast but BB does more damage in general. What is the prefered skill build? As for buying books I am a complete noob on books and cost so here is what I have on me -about 70mill mesos -about 200+mill assets -Elquines 30 -BB 30 If I could also have an estimate on

General Icelightningarchmage

Should Ils get Crit Rings So I was reading some jump patch updates from sites that translate KMS patches. I noticed that Chain Lightening gets their crit raised to 25% it also becomes a great mobbing move for I/ls. If an I/l had sharpeyes on their gloves wouldnt it seem almost logical to want more crit after the JUMP patch? I am not sure how crit works but Having a crit ring makes me think that CL will be a lot powerful. If anyone can explain how crits are computed and tell me the ideal rings to wear that would be great. Also what should I get the pot on my gloves to be. Thank you in advance <3