

lilazninja #Kanna Talk

General Kanna

Lets Get Haku Fixed For all kanna players I am sure you have experienced Haku glitching out on you and have had to wait for him to rebuff. I have made this thread in the bug forms on nexon's website. Please take your time to report your experiences and help bring attention to this. As a class we deserve playability, while nexon has fixed a lot of bugs we are still plagued by them. This is one that nexon has not acknowledged for a while though. Thanks Edit: Also take the time to look over this thread over Vanquisher Charm being useless at gollux's eyes

General Kanna

Prime Scrolling Cra Gear This anniversary event has given us amazing scrolls to make awesome weapons. My question is do you think it would be wise to prime scroll CRA armor as well. I understand that it is a long and difficult task (I just finished scrolling my fan, hammers and all) but my luck w/ ICOGS are poop. How people get 20att armor is beyond me. The +10 int boost is hard to say no as well. I have heard that 10 int = 2matt with 0%int so... it seems reasonable, but if there are others that can comment on this that would be great.

General Kanna

What should I upgrade next? It's been a while and I am not sure what I should be upgrading next. Here is a list of what I have. Exorcist Badge: +4int, 2matt, 2 lame lines unique Xenon Cap: +15 all stat, 6% int Wise Tree Nose Branch: +12 int, lame pot Grand Maple Amethysian Star Cloak: +4 all stat, lame pot Dragon Tail Gloves: +27 int, +8 matt, unique lame pot Dragon Tail Shoes: +32 int, +1matt lame pot Tempest Belt: +6 int, 6% int Tempest Pendant: +1 int, 6% int Beryl Heart: +15 allstat, +15matt, unique lame pot Half Earrings: 9% int Tempest Epaulet: +6 allstat, 6% int Dragon Tail Fan: +65 int, 158 matt, 9% int, unique Pinnacle Fan: +15 all stat, 136 matt Unleashed Ring: +5 all stat, +2 matt, 3% allstat 2013 evo ring 10: +5 allstat, +4 matt

General Kanna

160 Set Excitement o Am I the only one excited for the Red Update and 160 set? 1. Red glasses (so much cuter than Silent Crusade accessory set) 2. 160 set: I hear the whole set is poop but... the wep levels up and at the final level up you get 30% boss dmg. So, 5 set empress + 160 fan = profit? Sounds like a great way for poor people to get more boss dmg. Yes the cape and shoulder is expensive but totes more affordable than fanfir/tyrant stuff that everyone wants. Should I buy an empress fan now before the prices go up :o