
Mmb - Help me decide

So prior to the renegades patch, I bought a lot of mystery mastery books... like hundreds... hoping to use them and sell the books later
I bought them for a standard 4mil each back then, but now, I don't know if I should open them or sell them back

So what would you recommend and why? Open them all? Or sell them all back?

And also, what is a good price for mystery mastery books right now, and what are the most expensive skill books atm (prices please )?
Share your personal MMB opening stories too if you want!

July 2, 2012

11 Comments • Newest first


@alltwo147: phantom books are released atm D:
so if i want to open them, i need to do it soon before prices fall

Reply July 2, 2012

i could make some good money if i just sold them all. but i would make much more your way
it just seems like a lot of work lol[/quote]

Of course it's a lot of work.
Nothing worth having comes easy.
If you do open them, I recommend doing so after the Phantom skill books have been released.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited


if u jst use them all, it might be risky and u might not earn much, but if ur lucky u will
and since thieves got revamped, the recent thief mastery book will get u about 25-50m
also there r the new jetts/phantom books and ull probably be able to earn lots with them <3

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

does anyone have a good price for mmbs right now though?
if it's like 10mil ea, i wouldn't mind selling it. i'm looking for quick money, in a sense, if it's worth it.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

175 book run: 3 mw30's / mw20 / 10 phantom books / 5 jett books. Was a really good run

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=ansdPdnjs]u should use friend used about 70 mmbs and he got about 2.7bill profit [/quote]

i could make some good money if i just sold them all. but i would make much more your way
it just seems like a lot of work lol

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

u should use friend used about 70 mmbs and he got about 2.7bill profit

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=icedorchid]Opening them would take a lot of characters to hold depending on how many hundreds![/quote]

that's another thing i don't want to deal with =_=..
i'd need like 50 characters lol. it would be much easier to sell them all at once.
plus, no price checking for every book!

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=YoLoLoLo]Where are the mystery mastery books in the renegades shop? all i see are the untradeable ones for your specific class -.-
Also open it you might get maple warrior.[/quote]

i don't think they have just plain old mystery mastery books in the renegades shop like they made it sound like
i was expecting that too after i saw the patch notes

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

I picked up a Mmb at aliens and got mw20 first try.
With the mesos i got selling mw20 i went on a 10 Mmb run and got mw30.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

7m in bera

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited