

lilfonk #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Clean Empress or not Title says it all. My EQs are: zak helmet; 15,14,17,18 shiny blue thief symbol; kentas goggles; +12dex from pot PAC; 13luk, 3att, 2%luk, 4%HP dark pirate top; 15%Luk 17luk dark pirate bot; 3%allstats, 3%str lv90 gloves; 10att, 6%luk, 3%dex and str lv 40 belt; 2%stats. 4%luk 4luk Rising sun pendant; 16,16,18,16, 2att, 3%all stats and str Halphas claw; 92att, 4 slots, u/h, 3lines ]20%'s scrolled] halfEarring; 6%luk, 3%att stats, 8 luk legend maple shoulder; 5,5,5,5, 2att Evo Ring; 1, 2, & 3 ABR/Legendary Gratias Ring; 6,6,6,6, 3att, 5%crit red pirate boot; 6%luk, 3%dex, 11luk, 7dex ok, soo. should i sell my claw,top,bot,gloves,boots,& PAC for Clean Empress?

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