

lilninja45 #General Talk


Worst excuse someone ever gave when you told them to cc. Hey guys so I was training at scarecrows today and a lower level hunter walks in the channel and simply kills a few mobs. I asked him politely to cc and this was his response Noob: I dont have a keyboard Me: How are you typing? Noob: I use the onscreen keyboard program Me:Oh.. I see so why dont you just click the channel button in the bottom and leave? Noob: LOOOOOOOOOOOOL I dont have a mouse. Me: Then how are you clicking the letters on the keyboard program? Noob: I'm not clicking its a cyber thingy. you know.. Me: Just leave.. Noob: No but I cant idk how to cc. Me:-face palm- What's your guys' stories that you could share with us about the lamest excuse someone ever gave you when yo

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