

limplict #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

I/L Mage's %/hr [header]Introduction[/header] Hello! This is my first guide (well, hopefully it'll be a guide), and any constructive criticism is welcome. =) I first got the idea when I was visiting my Subscriptions page, and saw this [url=]thread[/url]. I was about to post in it but I saw it was locked, so I decided to try making one myself. This might perhaps also reduce the amount of 'Where should I train' threads that pop up regularly. I practically live in this section, so I can update this regularly. The harder job is to get people posting, so get your I/L friends here! This section's dead enough as it is. :( [header]Edits[/header] I've recently decided to put thi

General Icelightningarchmage

Gallos map training ? As you know, Gallos have probably THE best HP:EXP ratio as well as the fact that mages are one of the best KSers around. I was wondering if I should try get a spot through KSing someone out, but it seems very unethical :/ . However, at level 96 MP3 is gradually getting slower, and Gallos seem much faster. Should I try KSing someone? Like I said, I'd feel very guilty if I did it but I've tried looking through virtually every channel and each one has about 3-5 people in it. Are there any better alternatives to Gallos, other than MP3?