

limplict #Updates Talk

General Updates

Do I have enough RAM? I recently switched back to my Windows XP computer because my Vista computer was crashing too much from MS, but when I try running MS on this computer, nothing happens. I've tried accessing it through the website, game launcher and the exe file, but everytime the HackShield finishes loading, nothing happens. I've also tried Crl+Alt+Del and ending the process many times and trying it again. I don't have the loopback adapter installed, and I've tried downloading HackShield again. I've also disabled and enabled my firewall. Then I checked my System Properties. Turns out that I have about only 448MB of RAM, and I've heard that you need at least 1GB on XP to make MS work properly. Is that why MS isn't working? It works on m

General Updates

Is anyone else STILL lagging & d/cing like hell? I certainly am, and it's worse than before. The latest patch to fix the issues in v90 haven't done anything for me. Before the patch, I was forever d/cing whenever I changed channels or moved into a new map. I had periodic lags where everything froze (sometimes even my computer). After the patch and the supposed 'patch that fixes up the issues in V90', that stuff still happens but I'm lagging more than ever. Whenever I try moving onto the next stage in the Dojo PQ, there's a 10 second wait before I can actually come into the map. By then, my party's finished and I have to quickly go through to the next stage but there's another 10 second wait where there's a black screen with the music pl