Need some quick help in League

I would like to get some more junglers but im not too sure which one so please vote

October 19, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


@maypurstori usually yes, i tried to be decent at all positions so im not screwed for ranked, and i have a few for each lane i can play pretty well but theres lots of room for improvement so im not really sure what to do

Reply October 20, 2014

If you play solo que, I recommend you try a bunch of champs, AND PLAY WHAT YOU THINK IS FUN! When you pick up a champion, it's most important that you stick to it, in my case, I picked up singed and loved him, and kinda became a one trick pony. I have a spare account that has made it to plat 4 so far, where I play everything except singed, so I can learn everything properly though aha.. But if there's one thing I know and can say it's that knowing the extent of your champion is a HUGE advantage on the enemy. Playing a champ for 10 games vs 100 games vs 300 games, there are such huge leaps of skill difference, and no matter how many games you play, there's always new match ups, new things to be learned, knowing how to play a lane, etc. so it's not like at a certain point it just caps off. Just pick something that calls to you and stick to it!

There obviously are certain champs where you have to put a lot more effort into learning it, because it's currently weak, or has obvious flaws, but almost anything is viable, there's a reason why someone made it to master tier playing nothing but Sejuani mid, but I would recommend something more conventional, unless you do actually find something like Sej mid and plan to never quit it, then go crazy!

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

Amumu isn't a bad idea either. Heavy cc to team comp and relatively comfortable clear time. Although you do get set back crazy hard when you lose blue buff.

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

why is urgot not an option?

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

Another thread where I disagree with the opinions.

Pantheon only has major impact early in the game and thrives when he's ahead but if you fall behind on pantheon then you become the most useless thing ever. By picking Pantheon you're putting a time limit on yourself to close out the game. He's great when he's ahead but so are a lot of champions so I don't think he's a great choice.

Nocturne however is good. You can build tanky and still do lots of damage thanks to his q and passive, you have immense map pressure after you reach level 6 with the threat of your ultimate and he has good scaling. In my opinion he's better and more forgiving than pantheon.

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

@DawnEmperor i have Mao, lee and sion i refunded Kha because i got bored of him getting 10+ kills helping my lanes as much as i could yet still loosing, so now im trying to branch out now and play more so they dont get picked or banned away from me.

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

Pantheon > Nocturne, if I had a choice though I would skip those two and go to Kha'zix, Maokai, Lee Sin, Sion.

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited

@linktony pantheon is way more reliable imo than nocturne, only reason is because of the stun and execute passive.
and in my opinion pantheon is a lot more reliable

Reply October 19, 2014 - edited