lipperman123 #Chat Talk

General Chat

you snooze you lose alright, here's what happened. me brother went to pick up this pizza we ordered last night and comes home with an application and he was all psyched cause he talked to the manager and he said he was pretty much gonna get hired there. me, who has been looking to work for about 4 months thought, hmm i should apply too. today i woke up and saw his application, half filled out, sitting on the kitchen table. i decide to head over to the pizza place to get an application for myself. at the pizza place i fill it out, hand it in, talk to the manager, and head to school. On my way home i got a call from the manager saying i got the job and that i start later this week. when i got home my brothers application is still sitting half

General Chat

so about facebook so idk about u guys but i joined fb when i was a freshman in highschool, at this time , alotta people at my school and around my city were making fbs and adding each other non stop. i find myself, a sophmore in college now, looking at my fb like o.o who r these people? I havel ike 1000 friends, i have never spoken to 3/4 on fb. and probly 1/4 in real life. who do u guys add on fb? should i go on a mass friend deletion? or is it good to have for future business?

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