

Masteria Explorer Set

Heys guys, sorry for bad punctuality but recently i decided to collect this set cause the set bonuses are pretty good for the level, and holy sh#t was it a pain. So I just wanted to make this page to answer a bunch of questions people have asked on the forumn about collecting the whole set.
1. As for the pendent in the set, "Subani's Pendent", according to the old patch notes [] you collect it through the "masteria through time" quests in Act 4.
2. And the rest of the pieces are obviously obtained through completing all quests according to the designated characters around nlc/masteria main map(read patch notes if you don't know specifically who).
3. As for the Sheriff Lita quests where you had to hunt down the Headless Horseman and Bigfoot i sent hours learning the map while doing the quests and still didn't come across them. So after more investigating I found the new maps where they spawn in the newest patch(V.131). The Headless Horseman spawns in the hidden map "Hidden Evil", while Bigfoot spawns in the hidden map "Creeping Evil". If you want to know how to get to both, look for the wooden post signs giving directions, they are hidden portals. 2 of them lead to these maps, not sure if there are other ways to get there.

Cool hope I didn't just repost information, happy mapling

June 15, 2016