
Post your rage moments thread.

Mine happened today, about two hours ago. So, I hosted a Zakum run. I was the highest level there (145) and the lowest was a 120 Nightlord. The run took a long time, almost thirty minutes. I got four friends and acquaintances and a random whom I wanted to help cause she needed TT10. Near the end, the 120 Nightlord said "Let the leader loot first" and I told the Shad to use Meso Explosion since there was a ton of mesos on the ground. Of course, he didn't use Meso Explosion. Then when Zakum died, I went towards the blue recipe as well as the NL and I picked up all the mesos, but she somehow got the recipe. First of all, SHE was the one who said to let me loot first. Second, afterwards, she lied and said someone else must have got it even though she was the only one who was looting (everyone else was waiting) and third of all, it was an AB or Dark AB recipe since I asked her politely what recipe it was and she was like "It sucks, but I'll keep it".

Moral of the story: Don't invite randoms into a boss run, especially if their ign has "Tutah" in it and they're a Nightlord.

August 25, 2011

8 Comments • Newest first


meaning the def was 160 and +12's

Reply August 26, 2011

[quote=Spodes]my andras hat has near the same stats of a zhelm, this made my friend rage. i lol'd[/quote]

Meaning it's 15/15/15/15?

Reply August 25, 2011

my andras hat has near the same stats of a zhelm, this made my friend rage. i lol'd

Reply August 25, 2011

[quote=TypicalWindian]Look on the bright side, at least you didn't get hacked BEFORE your friend back-stabbed you. If that had happened, your "friend" wouldn't have back-stabbed you because you lost all your stuff, and you would still have that crappy excuse for a friend. And it doesn't matter if you failed the scrolls, would've still turned out the same way.

OT: When I was scammed a cape worth 150m. Not really pissed about the cape, but [b]REALLY[/b] pissed about letting the scammer get away with it. I was so #%*(ing gullible back then, I even let him access my account (because he said he would give it back then).

NEVER again.[/quote]

I'm assuming this was two to three years ago, when the average Joe didn't have 500,000,000 mesos.

Reply August 25, 2011

Failed 9 90% pot scrolls then 3 90% Enhancement scrolls.
Got stabbed in the back today by a friend losing many valuable equips.
And got hacked last night.

I feel like crap... T_T

Reply August 25, 2011

Early this morning, I was really close to finishing the Zakum Jump Quest, and then the power goes out =/

Reply August 25, 2011

I died on my Mechanic at 119 with 99%. >.< I raged and played on the DS.

Reply August 25, 2011

[quote=bananadevontay]I blew my gun up with a 90% pot scroll, pretty much ended it all for me. I haven't played since then lol[/quote]

Haha, I blew up a Reverse Nibleheim, Reverse Taragon and several Scarlion, Targar and Zakum helmets with advanced potential scrolls. Whenever I try to potential something, the good items blow up and the decent items get potentialed.

Reply August 25, 2011