

lra313 #General Talk


3rd try on a p/c Just came back to maple, and as such, I have no clue what some of my stuff is worth. I'm looking to sell some of it, so prices would be pretty helpful for that. All in Bera. Chaos Zukum Helmet - clean - 9%luk 3 line unique Stormcaster Gloves - +7 - 10%luk+1%luk neb 3 line unique Horntail Neclace - +1 (22all) - 21%luk+1%luk neb Red Craven - +9, 2 enhances, 95 attack, 6%luk, +12attack (107 total) Gold Seal Cushion Olivias Chair Love Chair The Energizer Drink 5 Star enhancment scroll service Im pretty broke, so knowing how much I can get for this stuff would be really helpful


Complete and total scrolling failure. I AM SO ANNOYED. I had quit my assassin a long time ago, probably the middle of 2006. I restarted it after big bang, and just recently hit level 90. I self scrolled claws for level 70, 80, and 90 (all at the same time). I started all 3 of them with a 10%. All 3 passed. I felt good at this point. After that, things took a turn for the worse. The subsequent Scrolls, all 60%'s, failed. Yep, all EIGHTEEN OF THEM. I honestly don't think I have passed a Non-Def 60% scroll in several years. If you're wondering why I kept scrolling, I was very angry, and just wanted to pass one. Look how well that turned out. In the end, I had 3 claws, all 3 lined potentials, with stats so awful the weren't even worth wearing,


So whats going one with these scrolls? Well I kinda bought a whole bunch of these "hacked" scrolls, because I wasn't aware that there was some exploit going on. Now I have like 100 of these things, (Both Chaos and 20%'s), so whats going to happen with them? Ive heard rumors about a rollback. Or will they just get removed form my inventory, or whats going on? I honestly hope they don't get deleted cause I just chaos-ed by Purple DB mask up to 10 attack. But can I get banned for having these?


Stuck in Star Planet loading screen? So I just logged into this game again after like a year of not playing it, and clicked on the Star Planet icon. It loaded a tiny cutscene, and now the screen is completely black, and not changing. It's been sitting here for like 10 minutes, and logging out just puts me back into the same screen when I log back in. I can access my other characters, but this one seems to just be stuck. Is there anything I can do? If it matters, I can list my PC specs, but it's good enough that there definitely shouldnt be a problem


What am I supposed to do here? So let me set the scene. I'm at scarecrows, training an HS mule (Around level 45), using my regular Priest (Don't ask why I need a second) to keep him HS'd. I have been training on this same map for around an hour. As I trained, a Battle Mage walks in, and starts trying to KS the mule. I POLITELY ask him to cc, and when he ignores me, use my Priest to get him off the map. 10 minutes later, a 10x DS walks in and starts ksing like mad. I ask why, and he says that I KS'd his Battle Mage friend, and that he will keep Ksing until I leave. I don't want to leave, because changing channels would eliminate the 100% extra exp we get from killing a 3rd mob. In the end, I fought back for a while, and did hold them off. Bu


What am I supposed to do here? So let me set the scene. I'm at scarecrows, training an HS mule (Around level 45), using my regular Priest (Don't ask why I need a second) to keep him HS'd. I have been training on this same map for around an hour. As I trained, a Battle Mage walks in, and starts trying to KS the mule. I POLITELY ask him to cc, and when he ignores me, use my Priest to get him off the map. 10 minutes later, a 10x DS walks in and starts ksing like mad. I ask why, and he says that I KS'd his Battle Mage friend, and that he will keep Ksing until I leave. I don't want to leave, because changing channels would eliminate the 100% extra exp we get from killing a 3rd mob. In the end, I fought back for a while, and did hold them off. Bu


Why do people complain about their class spamming 1 skill? It seems to me that in over half of the class specific forums on this website, people always end up complaining about just sitting and spamming 1 skill all the time (i.e. NLs Quad Star, Bowmasters Hurricane, etc), but isn't that kinda what almost EVERYONE does? Like, pick most any class, and usually all they do is just buff up and get to it. Even classes with quite a few skills available (Shads) have it down to a science where they determine exactly what does the most damage, then just spam that combo over and over. Most classes have a ONE main 1v1 skill, and ONE main mobbing skill, do people think that their class is somehow different and everyone else magically has 20 skills to us

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