luckyraver99 #Chat Talk

General Chat

What are YOUR morals? Well. I've been talking to a wide variety of girls. (Cheerleaders, athletic, preppy, etc...) and I realized, not a lot of people in this world, have very healthy morals. Everyone likes to get waisted, smoke, and have sex. I wanted to know if there was actually anyone out there who cared about their health, and doesn't want sex until after marriage, doesn't want to drink, and doesn't want to smoke. I don't care if you do. I'll be friends with you no matter what! I love people to death, but I will never agree with your morals. So forum, what are YOUR morals? EDIT : It seems a lot of you have taken to thought that I am thinking that I am in some way better than you. Absolutely not, I'm just stating my morals, and am curio

General Chat

I hate getting blamed for stuff I did not do. People grow onto past actions, and start to make assumptions, based on previous actions. I understand that, but it really gets under my skin when they say they KNOW you did something, based on their assumptions. No, I did not take the ice cream out of the freezer and leave it there. -_- You dumb ass. Ignorance is bliss. Stubbornness, is annoying, and I'm getting old of your immaturity. I took a scoop of ice cream, and put it back. So it must have been one of the other friggin dozen friends you had over in the past hour -_-' Okay I'm done. Sorry :p