luckyraver99 #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Meh, price check? >:( no one is replying in P/C Okay so here are 3 equips I am trying to sell, so that I can start merching. I have a zhelm, that still needs to be SoK'd... so. Give me a little bit to actually be able to sell this. Zhelm 15/22/12/25 - 0 slots Pot: Epic All stats 2% Int +6 Hp +50 Dark Pirate Top dex +1 luk +13 - 0 slots Pot: Rare 3% luk dex +4 Dark Pirate Pants dex +4 luk +6 - 0 slots Pot:Epic 6% luk dex +8 If I could get a p/c and even some offers that would be lovely (x thank you for your time!

General Dualblade

SP distribution dilemma? So, I have been looking at builds, and the way people have their SP put out is just weird, and doesn't add up to leveling. So can someone help me out here with my SP and tell me whats going on? Nimble Body - 14 Disorder - 03 Dark Sight - 10 Double Stab - 00 ll Katara Mastery - 20 Katara Booster - 20 ll+ Self Haste - 20 Fatal Blow - 20 Slash Storm -17 Sh. Resist - 17 lll Tornado Spin - 05 Flashbang - 00 Flash Jump - 20 lll+ Bloody Storm - 00 Adv Dark Sight - 00 Mirror Image - 05 Owl Spirit - 00 Upper Stab - 00 Flying Assaulter- 02 So yea, I know my lll+ isn't correct on the distribution part. I'm only leve 70. Just made my advance. But I'm lost, can someone help?

General Dualblade

Having trouble with my equips, have some questions. Okay. So, I have about 100m. I have recently gotten my 4th job advancement, and I have no need for skill book purchases at this moment. Instead of training should I go do my prequests for scar and get myself a helm? I need some more dex and what not. Or should I just buy one? Because I also want to make myself a reverse killic. I am just kind of lost. I'm at the point where I have some potentialed items, but the next step is to far out of my price range. I wanted to get to 140 so I could boss and just get stuff for myself instead of having to purchase it, but I'm kind of lost to be honest.

General Dualblade

Low dex having some trouble with gear. Well, I'm not all that funded anymore, I kinda blew my money out of the sky, and I'm kind of at a stuck point. I have a total of 130 dex, and I need a way to find the other 30 dex for my end equips. I have a base dex of 82, (random I know, but I didn't know where to cap it, so I Capped it when I had 130 dex). I'm having issues with potentials too, I have 1 potential'd item actually worth potentialing, but its something I'm going to replace later hopefully when I reach level 140. I have the basic items to get dex out of, but it's not cutting it anymore. I have 5m. And I have no clue to get money right now. I'm training at dark rash's and I'm just sitting here kind of lost, being barely able to afford my

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