
Demon Slayer vs Demon Avenger

Hey basil im debating on a new class and i might be interested in making a demon avenger or slayer.. could someone please tell me the difference between the two and which would go farther in terms of damage/boss wise? Thank you

July 11, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


Demon Slayer I heard is good for bossing, although I haven't personally played it to 4th job so I have no first hand experience. Many basilers will say choose Demon Slayer over Avenger, because da is so boring lol lol why you want to play such a lousy class that's not OP and also because many people are bias to theirs DS over DA since DS came first. Also people say, DA is repetitive, but I personally don't feel that way.

For Demon Avenger, I'll give you the pros and cons of the class

Like lotusflower said above, you NEVER EVER use any sort of pots. We have the exceed skill which when is full refills all of our hp. Demon Avenger can also tank anything (including Crimson Queen's damage reflect-50k hp-). We also have bind which is useful for some bosses(although I think DS has bind too). Contrary to what many people say HP% equips aren't that hard to find. I ofter see 7+%SW Glasses/Tattoos in the FM as well as Gollux/tempest equips. Hp equips are really cheap too.As for the repetitive game play, those people who play DA till level 120 and then dump it have clearly not tried playing around with the class. I use nether shield, nether slice, forbidden contract etc etc along with exceed skills when I'm bossing/mobbing. Also DS literally is known for just spamming Demon Fury over and over again for mobbing/bossing so I don't get why people don't say DS is repetitive either. Although mvietp09 is slightly incorrect, in no way DA is overpowered like Kasier Xenon Zero etc etc. DA is far better unfunded then DS, not sure the difference if you try to fund them godly though.

In the latest patch, we got a neat buff and our damage formula adjusted (which really helped our damage funding wise). Maple warrior also got boosted too and Ephinea's soul is easy to get, which adds 50% (magnificant 60%)hp boost to us.

Its up to you which classes you want to play. And, you can cap damage with almost any class so I don't see why you should think DA can't.

Reply July 11, 2014

[quote=lpfan1111]DA, equips are hard to come by, and not the greatest at bossing. Also gets very very repetitive because main bossing skill is also main mobbing skill.
DS, equips would be a bit more expensive due to them using STR. They are great mobbers and bossers. Main mobbing skill gives 20% bonus exp too. DS is stronger in the long run, and i don't even know if cap is possible with a DA.[/quote]

@vietua mayb u should check skype >:

OT: I'll pretty much make ALL my equips.. cubing and everything, also doesnt DA hit more? Gahh i tried finding videos but i cant really find any

Reply July 11, 2014

[quote=lpfan1111]DA, equips are hard to come by, and not the greatest at bossing. Also gets very very repetitive because main bossing skill is also main mobbing skill.
DS, equips would be a bit more expensive due to them using STR. They are great mobbers and bossers. Main mobbing skill gives 20% bonus exp too. DS is stronger in the long run, and i don't even know if cap is possible with a DA.[/quote]

It is possible to cap with a DA, and you don't necessarily need 500k HP to do it either.

Reply July 11, 2014

Hi babe~ DA because yes.

Reply July 11, 2014

DA, equips are hard to come by, and not the greatest at bossing. Also gets very very repetitive because main bossing skill is also main mobbing skill.
DS, equips would be a bit more expensive due to them using STR. They are great mobbers and bossers. Main mobbing skill gives 20% bonus exp too. DS is stronger in the long run, and i don't even know if cap is possible with a DA.

Reply July 11, 2014

I've been tryin to decide the same thing. In terms of potential, I feel like demon slayer is the way to go cause they hit tons more line than DA, but DA is definitely amazing in its own way too. For one, DA can tank a couple of DR hits and all DA buffs are amazing, 30%atk buff? Ridiculous... Oh, DA is also broken right now like I/L and kaiser (bats hits all the hits with no delay).

Reply July 11, 2014