

phantom vs xenon

Hi basil, im stuck between choosing to main a xenon or a phantom. Atm i have about 20b (will definitely) make more before seriously funding either class. My question is, whoch class is a better bosser and which would have more potential with lower funds. Keep in mind if i go phantom i will probably go tyrant cape nova belt/tyrant and nova boots. If i go xenon i will be going tyrant cape and belt and nova boots. Thank you for all helpful insight!

April 30, 2014

17 Comments • Newest first


[quote=IHurtzLotz]Cross Surge on phantom only does +75% range

Also if u make a XENON with luk% base stats and then run pirate gear with luk/all stat% you would end up hitting much more than phantom with luk% as pirate cheap is pretty much dirt cheap. Also i recommend u just getting five star service with clean pirate tyrant since pirate tyrant is only a couple hundred mils prob by now seeing how warrior tyrant is only like 1.5b =.=[/quote]

That is why Xenons dominate at lower funding levels, their equips are cheaper. However, at the 100 B mark, the cost difference between thief and pirate equips is minuscule, and Phantoms have both innately higher dps and an easier stat to cube for (% luk instead of % all stat).

Reply May 2, 2014

Cross Surge on phantom only does +75% range

Also if u make a XENON with luk% base stats and then run pirate gear with luk/all stat% you would end up hitting much more than phantom with luk% as pirate cheap is pretty much dirt cheap. Also i recommend u just getting five star service with clean pirate tyrant since pirate tyrant is only a couple hundred mils prob by now seeing how warrior tyrant is only like 1.5b =.=

Reply May 1, 2014

When it comes down to it, it's a matter of funding. Xenons are stronger up until about 20-30 B, then Phantoms dominate for 30-50 B+. If you intend to seriously fund your character, like say with 100 B+, Phantoms are unquestionably better.

Reply May 1, 2014

[quote=ninjastar2k]I have almost 9k LUK and I'm not sure about my atk, but I want to guess 1.3k or so? With top dojo gloves, I get about 1.8m self buffed.

As for cross surge, it's a very nice boost in damage, but don't be fooled when everyone says it doubles your damage. That is not the case for me, as it increases my damage by 58.8% due to %total damage from link skills, dojo gloves, equips, etc.

I would play the class you enjoy more tbh, but if you want more DPS, go phantom. If you want a better bossing in general, I would say xenon because of the fact that they get a bind and have fewer buffs than phantom.[/quote]

cross surge does not double your range due to several factors such as those you mentioned but it does actually double the damage you deal. test it out for yourself.

Reply May 1, 2014

I have almost 9k LUK and I'm not sure about my atk, but I want to guess 1.3k or so? With top dojo gloves, I get about 1.8m self buffed.

As for cross surge, it's a very nice boost in damage, but don't be fooled when everyone says it doubles your damage. That is not the case for me, as it increases my damage by 58.8% due to %total damage from link skills, dojo gloves, equips, etc.

I would play the class you enjoy more tbh, but if you want more DPS, go phantom. If you want a better bossing in general, I would say xenon because of the fact that they get a bind and have fewer buffs than phantom.

Reply April 30, 2014

Sorry if i wasnt clear, 20b would just be what i would start off with. This will be my main and i want to pour my funds into it. A couple things to add: 1. Which end game bosses would be difficult for phantom and for xenon 2. are there any phantoms or xenons that could provide a brief list of their equips and range? Thank you

Reply April 30, 2014

@lulnuts you should go for phantom since you dont have enough to get alot of %all stats
and even if you're gonna cube or something ,high %All stats is hard/expensive

Reply April 30, 2014

[quote=Castrius]Phantom is the best end game class overall. A phantom hitting cap on arrow platter easily surpasses the dps of any other class in maple. Plus, phantom can get crossover chains.[/quote]

I love how there is always someone who comments that phantom is the best when hitting cap (obviously) on a thread in which the person asking the question has limited funding. Try to be more helpful and actually consider the poster's circumstances. On a side note, there is an incredibly low number of phantoms in gms who can cap on physical resist bosses, which is beyond out of reach for almost every mapler out there.

Reply April 30, 2014

Having played both as mains, I'd say that it can be quite situational as to which one bosses better. On pure DPS bosses and dojo, phantom is miles ahead due to arrow blaster hitting so fast. However in reality, mobile bosses and bosses that cast dr are a pain because you have to reposition turret to get as much DPS as possible (unless you use final cut instead). Xenon's also have a bind which is quite handy. Overall, I'd say phantom in general, cra might be a bit tough if your character control isn't perfect but you'll still have really good dps. Xenon is better for magnus imo because they have bind and don't have to replace turret or wait for fc cool down for max DPS.

Reply April 30, 2014

[quote=lulnuts]Instead of answering my question with a question, how about you contribute to the thread instead of being a fgt[/quote]

HAHAHA so good

Reply April 30, 2014

Phantom... Totally unbiased.

Reply April 30, 2014

I have both of them at lvl 130-140 and I wasn't really a fan of either of them.
Phantoms have too many damn buffs to activate, and it was annoying having to pot after every hit to keep my damage up with cross surge. Also the 30sec cd between switching stolen skills is irritating.
Xenon has that annoying charge system that I didn't like, and the duration nerf to ooparts made that skill bothersome to use.
If I had to choose one I would say xenon, just cause I like using beam dance and snipe more than mille and arrow platter.

Reply April 30, 2014

Xenons are good at bossing plus a bind skill at Level 170, however Phantoms can kill bosses faster than Xenons due to a skill that they can steal; Arrow Platter and you can add another Arrow Platter as a turret. But that skill has a disadvantage if you're going to deploy a turret against bosses with DR, so you need a good timing.

In terms of easy/low funding, Xenon has a better advantage since it uses all three primary stats; STR (stance), DEX (elemental resistance) & LUK (avoid) and no secondary. You'll have even better advantage with All Stats % than just one stat % but they're hard and expensive to get (suggest getting LUK % for avoid!).

Phantoms can get Cross Surge that doubles their damage if it has 100% HP and it decreases if your HP gets any lower. Phantoms have a skill called Final Feint of their own so if your character dies, it gives you a second chance with full HP.

Though I'm not into Phantoms so I don't have any more else to say because I have little knowledge of them.

Although I do want you to make sure you know what you are doing, so get both of the classes to Level 100 and see what you like more in terms of skills.

Reply April 30, 2014 - edited

Phantom is better funded for bossing because arrow platter.
Lots of range + lots of arrow turrets and hits = op.

Reply April 30, 2014 - edited

Phantom atleast is useful with no funding but I think xenon is easier to fund since you can
go the pirate route. %all stat is expensive as hell but you also get perks for your stats. Also
xenon have a summon and has better mobbing but I guess if we are talking about bossing
with no pdr bosses then phantom but atleast on high pdr bosses snipe does good damage
especially with oopart. Though 20b isn't going to do much when it comes to bossing.

Reply April 30, 2014 - edited

Phantom is the best end game class overall. A phantom hitting cap on arrow platter easily surpasses the dps of any other class in maple. Plus, phantom can get crossover chains.

Reply April 30, 2014 - edited

well first 20b isnt going to make a difference on which you choose for bossing since they both will be able to kill the same thing.

Overall for bosses xenon is easier since it doesnt have to worry about DR and has bind for magnus.

Reply April 30, 2014 - edited