

magedude50 #General Talk


Upgrading and P/C on items Hi, I have a level 82 dual blade in Khaini, can I get some help on the price checks and what I can change in my equipments. 1. Zakum Helmet: 15/16/15/17 10 slots, Potential: +6 luk and 25 defense rare 2. Broken Glasses: 1/1/1/1, Clean, Potential: 4% luk 2% str, Epic 3. Level 55 Dual Blade Mask 4. Blazing Katara: 60 attack 0 slots u/h, Potential: luk +3, int +2, Rare 5. Pink Adventurer Cape: 2 attack 5luk, 0 slots u/h, Potential: 4%luk 2%str and hp +25, Epic 6. Deputy Star: 5/5/5/9 1 slot Potential: Luk +6, hp+25, hp+25, Rare 7. 4 Zombie Rings 8. Dark Pirate Top: luk +6, dex +1, MP+15, 66 defense, 7 slot 9. Dark Pirate Bottom: dex +1, luk +3, 51 wep def, 7 slot Potential: 3% luk, 3%int, +3str Rare 10. 11 attack wor


Gacha Run p/c please thanks Hi! I've been gachaing a lot lately and unfamiliar with the new items and prices and have been out of the loop for 2+ years. Anyways, can someone give me a P/C items: I've already sold some of the more expensive ones, so I didn't list them. Pink Bean Entry Pass (lol) Dragon Skull Chair Devil Black Dog Throne E Staff 5 Chair on Range Fearless Eradicator and Fearless Engaw Chaos Scroll for Goodness Split Screen Magnus Chair Perm. F1 Riding Skill? Agares Crimson Zodiac/Grim Seeker I'm in Khaini btw. Thank you!

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