
Its time to make Nexoned a meme

Nexon has been on a trolling hot streak this week. Let's take a look, shall we?
Thousands of people can't log in because of "ID already logged in issue"
Hot time is a complete fail, half the people don't get the items that they were supposed to
Half the people can't open the boxes
Scania gets rollbacked to before 2x, causing people to lose countless levels and exp, as well as hot time

What can we do? WE FIGHT BACK! And only through the power of the internet can we prevail.

This is what we will do:
1 Create some sort of image macro that we can put captions on, advice dog style
2 Spam it all over teh internetz
3 Get nexon to cave into our demands!

I've gotten part 1 down. [url=]Here's the macro[/url]

Your objective is to put captions on it showing how much of a fail nexon is.[url=]Here's an example[/url]

So off we go, Maple community! And for the mods, I know you don't like memes, but Nexon is going insane this week, so if you're on the people's side, WE MUST DO THIS!

December 24, 2011