
Which Class is the strongest? Explorer

So i currently came back to maple and i was wondering after all the revamps which Explorer classes got nerved or revamped.
So i currently have a:
103 Hermit
171 BM
132 Shadower
125 DrK
So im wondering with 500m -1.5b funding which of my classes would be the strongest?
and when i mean the strongest i mean in comparison to other classes as well.
Edit: Also which Class would be the best (or at least good) at bossing and at what level? (and by bossing i mean like soling Zak)

December 15, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


DrKs suck so
Hermits are okay
Shads are okay
BMs aren't as good as above but better than DrKs

play your shad

Reply December 15, 2012

Depends what you mean by strong?

If you can play it properly the shadower might have the strongest damage output
drk would be the better bosser
bm would be OP if you can laugh the bosses to death.

Reply December 15, 2012

The Shadower will be your best choice.

Reply December 15, 2012