maplebowman #General Talk


Just got Hacked So today i log on hoping to get my CB to 120, and i notice hes in the FM i think odd i thought i left him in LHC, the i notice i hav no money my evo rings are gone and im really pissed so as i look through all my characters i notice i allow lost my 4 evo III rings my 1 Evo II ring and over 100mil in mesos (also i think they took some misacluous stuff). so either i got nexoned or a hacker only wanted my rings and my money. So if ur in Bellocan i would appriacate even 1k mesos.


the reason why they took out 2x cards now i beilve the reason why they took out 2x cards are: with the new exp curve it doesnt take very long for you to reach a high lv, this means that u will spend less time playing maplestory and "beating it" sooner than people before the exp curve. The longer you play the more likely you will be to buy nx. so if they kept the 2x cards you will get there even faster and you will most likely spend less money on maplestory. thats why i think they took out 2x cards. now stop whining that ur lving too slow


i need a PC on todays drops So here are all the items i need a Pc on: Maple Skanda HP 33 Att 3luk Maple Skanda 35 att 3 luk Maple skanda 34 att 3 luk Maple Warrior shield 2str Maple thief shield 1 luk Maple glory sword 79 att 1str Maple havoc hammer 2 str 83 att Maple havoc hammer HP 1str 80 att MAple dark mate 1luk 75att Blazing Dragon Katara 50 att Maple Shine Wand 2int 78 ma Maple wisdom staff HP 1int 77ma devil's sunrise HP 93 att MAple belzet 6 str 85 att Maple soul spear 2 str 82 att Maple karstan 3 str 82 att sappire gigantic 5luk 32 att black scarab 6luk 44 att 0 slots caster 39 att 6dex 2 line 10int Hp+45 caster 44 att 6dex caster 40 att 6 dex maple golden claw 5 str 61att maple cannon shooter 5 dex 60 att HP maple cannon shooter 6


Bellcan Price check Hello, i need a P/C on all these items, please and thank you. BTW im in Bellocan Maple glory sword Hidden Pot, 81 att +1 str Maple havoc hammer 78 att pot +8 dex + 4 matt Maple havoc hammer hidden pot 80 att Maple havoc hammer 82 att +2% luk + 14 avo Devil's sunrise hidden pot 93 att Maple soul rohen 82 att pot +8 dex +8 luk Maple doom singer hidden pot +66 att Maple soul spear 82 att Maple scorpio 68 att Maple karstan 82 att Maple crow 50 att Sapphire gigantic 32 att Casters 39 att pot +10 int +45 hp Maple skanda 35 att Maple skanda 34 att Maple skanda 33att Maple skanda 33 att hidden pot Maple golden claw 61 att Casters 51 att (0 slots) Legendary maple lightsplitter 87 att pot +3% dex + 40 mp Maple cannon shooter 58 at


Which Class is the strongest? Explorer So i currently came back to maple and i was wondering after all the revamps which Explorer classes got nerved or revamped. So i currently have a: 103 Hermit 171 BM 132 Shadower 125 DrK So im wondering with 500m -1.5b funding which of my classes would be the strongest? and when i mean the strongest i mean in comparison to other classes as well. Edit: Also which Class would be the best (or at least good) at bossing and at what level? (and by bossing i mean like soling Zak)