maplefreak26 #General Talk


Incoming Masteria Update? A couple of days ago, KThxBaiNao posted a contest on the forums with two intriguing images, asking us to create a story. He said these two images are from a future patch. Interesting choices for images, right? I thought to myself, the second one looks kind of like it would fit in Masteria? But I took that with a bucket of salt, because Nexon has long ignored Masteria and it has never received a proper, well-deserving update in about 7 years. I posted my thought on Southperry. Some agree that it might be Masteria, some were intrigued by the images. Some suggested it might be a part of Heaven Empire, part of Dawnveil/Commerci. I admittedly am not aware of much of the Dawnveil story/continent so I don't have any input