
Which Type is Cheapest?

title. So I was recently hacked and have decided that I'm just gonna start completely fresh. So which class type (Warrior, Thief, etc.) has the cheapest equips? Not just Empress-wise, but weapons throughout lvls 1-200, Empress, Mastery Books, and pot usage. I probably won't be able to farm enough coins to get the Tempest set, so other options. Thank you in advance.

February 5, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


Lumnious don't need to be funded too have a decent amount of dmg and they give you pretty decent equpis at level 120

Reply February 8, 2013

I'm not talking about a better specific class, I'm talking about a class, such as warriors, bowmen, thieves, pirates, and mages that takes the least amount of funding to provide weapons and armor.

Reply February 6, 2013

Demon slayer, they have very good defense, good mobility, and they get free weapons at each job adv.

Reply February 5, 2013