

marksnicks #Chat Talk

General Chat

Why do you buy Call Of Duty So why do you purchase the nest new COD. I personally bought COD4 just a few weeks before MW2 and was hooked and from then on have been at the release party at midnight for MW2/BO/MW3. I could care less about the Campaign in the COD franchise. Its super frustrating, so many things seem to be out of my control. I do like Zombies and SpecOps missions and survival, they can be fun to play with friends. I personally buy COD for the Multiplayer. So whats your reason to buy COD?

General Chat

Why do you buy Call Of Duty So why do you purchase the nest new COD. I personally bought COD4 just a few weeks before MW2 and was hooked and from then on have been at the release party at midnight for MW2/BO/MW3. I could care less about the Campaign in the COD franchise. Its super frustrating, so many things seem to be out of my control. I do like Zombies and SpecOps missions and survival, they can be fun to play with friends. I personally buy COD for the Multiplayer. So whats your reason to buy COD?